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A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Countering Violent Extremism

Title Sort descending Investigators Project Period
A Multi-Level Approach to the Study of Violent Extremism Gary LaFree, Michael Jensen -
A Toolkit for Preventing Targeted Violence on College Campuses Gary LaFree -
Anti-Terrorism Assistance Programs William Braniff -
Assessing the Effectiveness of Current De-Radicalization Initiatives and Identifying Implications for the Development of U.S.-Based Initiatives in Multiple Settings -
Bridging Religious Communities and Technology Providers to Counter Narratives of Violent Extremism Alejandro Beutel, Peter Weinberger -
Building Resilience to Violent Extremism Among Somali-Americans in Minneapolis-St. Paul Stevan Weine -
Campus Dialogues Jonathan Wilkenfeld -
Coalition Building for CVE and Community Resilience William Braniff -
Community-oriented Policing and Community Engagement in Benin Barnett S. Koven -
Comparing Failed, Foiled, Completed and Successful Terrorist Attacks Erik Dahl, Margaret Wilson, Martha Crenshaw -
Counter Radicalization of Scientists in CBRN-relevant Technical Fields Arie Kruglanski, Gary Ackerman, Michele Gelfand -
Counterterrorism Net Assessment Data Structure (CT NEADS) Barnett S. Koven -
Developing Academic Partnerships and Collaborative Research on Countering Violent Extremism in Malaysia and Southeast Asia Amy Pate, Barnett S. Koven, William Braniff -
Divergent Dimensions of Radicalization Risk: Migration and Violent Extremism in Sabah Barnett S. Koven, Samuel D. Henkin -
Empirical Assessment of Domestic Disengagement and Deradicalization (EAD3) Michael Jensen, Peter Simi, Gina Scott Ligon -
Evaluating the Safe Spaces Community-Led CVE Program William Braniff -
Family and Community Capacities among US Minorities: a Key to Preventing Violent Extremism Stevan Weine -
Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami: The Challenge of a Non-Violent Radical Islam Clark McCauley, Emmanuel Karagiannis -
Homegrown Radicalization and the Role of Social Networks and Social Inclusiveness in the United States Paul Harwood -
Integrating Mental Health and Education Fields into Countering Violent Extremism Stevan Weine, William Braniff -
International Survey Capability Steven Kull -
Measuring Political Radicalization: Diaspora Support for Terrorism among Ottawa's Lebanese Muslim Community Bidisha Biswas, Christian Leuprecht, Clark McCauley -
Mobilization For and Against Terrorism in the Muslim World Clark McCauley, Mansoor Moaddel, Mohammed Hafez -
Opportunities for Public-Private Partnership in Countering Online Extremism and Recruitment Brandon Behlendorf -
Radicalization of Momin Khawaja Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko -
Radicalization of U.S. Prisoners Bert Useem, Obie Clayton -
Rehabilitation and Reintegration for CVE Programs William Braniff
Resources and Resilience: A Computational Model of Strategic Influence -
Social Media Influencers: Re-domaining Fashion Industry Forecasting to Anticipate Online Extremist Radicalization Barnett S. Koven, Ramon F. Brena -
Social, Behavioral, Cultural, and Economic (SBCE) Impacts on Terrorist Activity Gary LaFree, Laura Dugan, Erin Miller -
Terrorist Attacks on the Homeland Gary LaFree, Laura Dugan, Erin Miller -
The Terrorism and Extremist Violence in the United States (TEVUS) Database Gary LaFree, Brent Smith, Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak, Erin Miller, William Braniff, Kathleen Smarick -
Tracking Attitudes within American Subculture Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko -
Two to Tango: Government and Terrorist Group Actions in Colombia Barnett S. Koven -
Project Title Sort descending Publication Date Publication Type
A Field-Wide Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Putative Risk and Protective Factors for Radicalization Outcomes 2019-12-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
A genosonic analysis of ISIL and US counter-extremism video messages 2017-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
A Qualitative Examination of How Somali Young Adults Think About and Understand Violence in Their Communities 2020-05-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Addressing Violent Extremism as Public Health Policy and Practice 2016-06-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Aligning Research and CVE 2015-02-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
An Information, Motivation, and Behavioral Skills Perspective on Terrorist Propaganda 2019-08-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Assessing the Effectiveness of Programs To Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism 2024-02-12T12:00:00 Journal Article
Attitudes Regarding Becoming an Engaged Bystander for Targeted Violence Prevention 2020-05-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Belonging Nowhere: Marginalization & Radicalization Risk among Muslim Immigrants 2016-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Best Practices for Developing Resilient Communities and Addressing Violent Extremism 2015-10-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Biosecurity in the Americas: Regional Threat Assessment 2023-07-17T12:00:00 Report
Broadening the Discussion about Women and Violent Extremism 2015-06-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Building Community Resilience to Counter Violent Extremism 2013-10-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Building Resilience to Violent Extremism Among Somali-Americans in Minneapolis-St.Paul 2012-08-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Building Resilience to Violent Extremism Among Somali-Americans in Minneapolis-St.Paul Handout 2012-05-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Can Public Health Help Prevent Violent Extremism? Should Public Health Help Prevent Violent Extremism? 2020-02-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Can the "Idea" of Hamas Be Defeated? 2024-07-23T12:00:00 Journal Article
Catch Them Coming and Going: Probabilistic Pathway Projection to Counter Foreign Fighters 2016-03-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Civil Resistance: Reflections on an Idea Whose Time Has Come 2014-07-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Clearing the Smoke and Breaking the Mirrors: Using Attitudinal Inoculation to Challenge Online Disinformation by Extremists 2020-09-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Commitment and Extremism: A Goal Systemic Analysis 2013-09-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Community and Family Approaches to Combating the Radicalization and Recruitment of Somali-American Youth and Young Adults: A Psychosocial Perspective 2009-11-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Community Policing to Counter Violent Extremism: A Process Evaluation in Los Angeles 2017-07-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Community-Focused Best Practices to Prevent Violent Extremism 2015-09-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Community-Focused Counter-Radicalization and Counter-Terrorism Projects 2018-11-01T12:00:00 Book
Community‐Level Indicators of Radicalization: A Data and Methods Task Force 2010-02-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Containing the Narrative: Strategy and Tactics in Countering the Storyline of Global Jihad 2010-01-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Countering Ecoterrorism in the United States: The Case of 'Operation Backfire' 2012-09-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Countering Terrorism: No Simple Solutions 2017-01-01T12:00:00 Book
Countering Violent Extremism Online and Offline 2017-01-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Counterterrorism Net Assessment Data Structure 2020-04-01T12:00:00 Project Fact Sheet
Creating Positive Policing Narratives for Countering Violent Extremism 2019-10-01T12:00:00 Book
Criminological perspectives on extremist radicalisation and terrorist acts 2023-10-18T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Cultivating Trust and Perceptions of Source Credibility in Online Counternarratives Intended to Reduce Support for Terrorism 2018-04-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
CVE Field Principles for Local Government Agencies 2016-12-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
CVE: An Idea Whose Time Has Come 2014-09-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Debates among Salafi Muslims about use of violence 2017-05-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Deradicalizing Detained Terrorists 2017-05-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Detainee Deradicalization 2010-01-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Deterring and Preventing Terrorism 2018-04-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Discussion Point: Prevention Research is Needed for Countering Violent Extremism 2013-03-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Discussion Point: The New Zealand Terrorist's Manifesto: A Look at Some of the Key Narratives, Beliefs and Tropes 2019-04-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Divergent Dimensions of Radicalization Risk: Migration and Violent Extremism in Sabah 2021-12-01T12:00:00 Report
Domestic Violent Extremist Targeting of the U.S. Electrical Transmission Grid 2023-11-16T12:00:00 Report
Dynamic Dimensions of Radicalization and Violent Extremism in Sabah, Malaysia 2021-12-01T12:00:00 Report
Early Detection of Terrorism Outbreaks Using Prospective Space–Time Scan Statistics 2012-10-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Empowering Communities to Prevent Violent Extremism: A report on the August 2014 National Summit 2017-07-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Emulating U.S. Counterinsurgency Doctrine: Barriers for Developing Country Forces, Evidence from Peru 2016-04-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Former Extremists in Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization Research 2020-09-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
From WWI to ISIS, Using Shame and Masculinity in Recruitment Narratives 2016-06-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Global Trends in Terrorism, 1970- 2011 2014-04-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Government Agency-Focused Best Practices to Prevent Violent Extremism 2015-09-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Government Policies for Counteracting Violent Extremism 2019-01-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Government Responses to Asymmetric Threats: The State of the Literature on Counterterrorism from 2010 to 2023 2024-12-30T12:00:00 START Reports
Government Responses to Asymmetric Threats: The State of the Literature on Information Operations from 2002 to 2022 2024-12-20T12:00:00 START Reports
Guiding Principles for Countering and Displacing Extremist Narratives 2016-08-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Helping Veterans Thrive: The Importance of Peer Support in Preventing Domestic Violent Extremism 2022-03-01T12:00:00 Congressional Testimony
How Can a Public Health Framework Be Applied to Preventing Violent Extremism? 2019-06-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
How Public Health Can Improve Initiatives to Counter Violent Extremism 2016-04-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Implications of Research on Traumatic Stress for Countering Violent Extremism 2016-08-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Insurgency BAAD: Dynamics of Terrorism and Counterterrorism Campaigns 2015-10-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Key concepts to understand violent White supremacy 2017-04-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Law Enforcement Efforts to Counter Violent Extremism: Lessons Learned from Past Cases 2012-09-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Law Enforcement-Focused Best Practices to Prevent Violent Extremism 2015-09-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Lessons Learned from Mental Health and Education: Identifying Best Practices for Addressing Violent Extremism 2015-10-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Lethal Brands: How VEOs Build Reputations 2015-05-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Making the Nation Safer Through Social Science 2023-09-21T12:00:00 Report
Mediating International Crises: Cross-National and Experimental Perspectives 2003-06-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Moving Toward a Society with NO HATE - A Proposal for Advancing U.S. Domestic CVE 2015-11-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Narrative Persuasion and Violent Extremism: Foundations and Implications 2020-02-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Narratives and counter-narratives for global jihad: Opinion versus action 2010-07-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Options to Facilitate Socio-Political Stability in Syria and Iraq 2016-11-01T12:00:00 White Paper
Peace and Conflict 2014 2014-04-01T12:00:00 Book
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and the Future of Peruvian Security 2016-06-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
PIRUS: Comparing Violent and Non-Violent Offenders 2023-07-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
PIRUS: Mass Casualty Extremist Offenders with U.S. Military Backgrounds 2023-06-07T12:00:00 Research Brief
Preventing Violent Extremism through Government and Community Partnerships 2017-01-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Prevention Research for Countering Violent Extremism 2013-03-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Program Fact Sheet: START's CVE Education and Training Initiatives 2015-02-01T12:00:00 Project Fact Sheet
Prosecuting Terror in the Homeland: An Assessment of Sentencing Disparities in United States Federal Terrorism Cases 2023-10-24T12:00:00 Research Brief
Prosecuting Terror in the Homeland: An Empirical Assessment of Sentencing Disparities in United States Federal Terrorism Cases 2024-03-31T12:00:00 Journal Article
PROTOCOL: Criminal Justice Interventions for Preventing Terrorism and Radicalisation: An Evidence and Gap Map 2022-09-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Public-Private Partnerships to Counter Violent Extremism: Field Principles for Action 2016-07-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Recasting and Repositioning CVE as a Grand Strategic Response to Terrorism 2017-11-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Reframing CVE as a Multidisciplinary Approach to Promoting Community Safety 2015-06-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Report on the National Summit on Empowering Communities to Prevent Violent Extremism 2015-07-01T12:00:00 Report
Rethinking Security Education 2016-12-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Risk and Rehabilitation: Supporting the Work of Probation Officers in the Community Reentry of Extremist Offenders 2024-09-30T12:00:00 Report
Situational Crime Prevention and Terrorism: An Assessment of 10 Years of Research 2018-10-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Socially Relevant Ethnic Groups, Ethnic Structure, and AMAR 2014-08-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Spotting the Threat 2014-07-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Stand Down: A Journal of Applied Communication Research Forum on Extremism and White Nationalism in the United States Military 2022-11-02T12:00:00 Journal Article
START Annual Meeting 2016: Quick-Fire Presentation - Counterterrorism, Countering Violent Extremism, Deradicalization 2016-10-01T12:00:00 Presentation
Supporting A Multidisciplinary Approach to Addressing Violent Extremism: What Role Can Education Professionals Play? 2015-10-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Supporting A Multidisciplinary Approach to Addressing Violent Extremism: What Role Can Mental Health Professionals Play? 2015-10-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Supporting A Multidisciplinary Approach to Violent Extremism: The Integration of Mental Health in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and What Law Enforcement Needs to Know 2015-10-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Surveying CVE Metrics in Prevention, Disengagement and De-Radicalization Programs 2016-03-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Surveying the Literature on Counter-Terrorism, Counter-Insurgency, and Countering Violent Extremism: A Summary Report with a Focus on Africa 2015-01-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Terrorists, Radicals, and Activists: Distinguishing between Countering Violent Extremism and Preventing Extremist Violence, and Why It Matters 2020-02-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
The Emergence of Lone Wolf Terrorism: Patterns of Behavior and Implications for Intervention 2015-09-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
The Making of Violent Extremists 2018-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
The Paradox of Source Credibility in Canadian and U.S. Domestic Counterterrorism Communications 2018-04-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
The Psychology of Extremism: A Motivational Perspective 2021-09-01T12:00:00 Book
The Psychology of Terrorism 2001-10-01T12:00:00 Op-ed
The Radicalization Puzzle: A Theoretical Synthesis of Empirical Approaches to Homegrown Extremism 2015-09-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
The Role of Community Policing in Countering Violent Extremism 2015-02-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
The Talking Cure? Communication and Psychological Impact in Prison De-radicalisation Programmes 2014-02-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
The Utility of Narratives for Promoting Radicalization: The Case of the Animal Liberation Front 2015-01-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Threats of violent Islamist and far-right extremism: What does the research say? 2017-02-01T12:00:00 Discussion Point
Towards a Guide for Constructing and Disseminating Counter-Narratives to Reduce Support for Terrorism 2015-11-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Training Host Nation Forces for Population-centric Counterinsurgency 2016-07-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
U.S. Attitudes toward Terrorism and Counterterrorism 2013-03-01T12:00:00 START Reports
U.S. Attitudes toward Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Reporting Terrorism-related Activity 2014-04-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Understanding Communities’ Attitudes towards CVE 2015-02-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Vaccinating Against Hate: Using Attitudinal Inoculation to Confer Resistance to Persuasion by Extremist Propaganda 2019-11-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Validation of the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative: Identifying Suspicious Activities from the Extremist Crime Database (ECDB) and the American Terrorism Study (ATS) 2015-02-01T12:00:00 START Reports
Violent Extremism, Community-Based Violence Prevention, and Mental Health Professionals 2017-01-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Weaponized Words: The Strategic Role of Persuasion in Violent Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization 2020-06-01T12:00:00 Book
Western Muslims Volunteering to fight in Syria and Iraq: Why do they go, and what should we do? 2015-07-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
What Does a Community-Based Organization Need to Successfully Implement a Public Health Approach to Preventing Violent Extremism? 2019-06-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
What Should Program Designers Consider to Successfully Develop and Implement a Public Health Approach to Preventing Violent Extremism? 2019-06-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Winning the Battle but Losing the War? Narrative and Counter-Narratives Strategy 2009-08-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Title Sort descending
A grassroots approach to tackling violent extremism
Amy Pate travels to Nigeria to provide training on violence prevention
Another Look at Jujitsu Politics
Ballots instead of bullets
Braniff briefs INSCOM
Braniff participates in World Summit on Counterterrorism
Braniff takes on role with Hedayah International Advisory Board
Bridging academia and policy to build better CVE programs
Broadening the Discussion about Women and Violent Extremism
Computational Social Science: Understanding terrorist attacks on Twitter
Congressman Ruppersberger visits START
CTED and New York University co-host event highlighting 20 years of counter-terrorism
CVE-tailored community policing is key to protecting communities at risk for violent radicalization
CVE: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Database Spotlight: Government Actions in a Terror Environment-Israel
Discussion Point: Communities on the Front Lines Against Terrorism
Discussion Point: Prevention Research for Countering Violent Extremism
Envisioning the Maryland Academy for Innovation in National Security
Equipping educators to understand mass violence and extremism
Farah Pandith explores how to defeat the extremist threat
How Public Health Can Improve Initiatives to Counter Violent Extremism
Implications of research on traumatic stress for Countering Violent Extremism
Maryland Frame takes second place at ADL Collegiate Competition to Innovate Against Hate
Members of Generations for Peace come to START to discuss countering violent extremism
Michael Jensen attends Eradicate Hate Global Summit in Pittsburgh
New database provides insights into terrorism countermeasures
New online course offers interactive, hands-on opportunity to design CVE program
New report assesses factors related to violent extremism among Somali-Americans in Minneapolis-St. Paul
New research finds important lessons for CVE in fields of mental health, education
New START model forecasts the flow of foreign fighters
No Hate USA Campaign Launch
Providing a framework for creating public-private partnerships to counter violent extremism
Recasting and Repositioning CVE as a Grand Strategic Response to Terrorism
Recommendations to counter violent extremism
Reframing CVE as a Multidisciplinary Approach to Promoting Community Safety
Research Brief: Law Enforcement Efforts to Counter Violent Extremism
Researcher Spotlight: Jeff Gruenewald
START Announces 2009 Curriculum Development Grant Recipients
START Announces 2009-2010 Undergraduate Research Program Award Recipients
START Announces Fellowships for 2005-06
START Annual Meeting focuses on maximizing relevance of research
START approved to launch new MOOC focused on CVE
START begins project to support Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative
START collaborators contribute to important CVE work
START data featured in House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs report
START Director invited to serve on Maryland domestic terrorism task force
START Director LaFree to Moderate Discussion with Secretary Napolitano and Governor O'Malley
START Director provides testimony to Maryland General Assembly on domestic extremism
START Director speaks at United Nations informal dialogue series on counterterrorism
START Director to co-lead anti-hate discussions at the White House, worldwide summit
START Director to testify before House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
START hosts conference on mental health, education and countering violent extremism
START Hosts Delegation of CVE Experts from Middle East
START launches new tool for counterterrorism community
START launches new training course on understanding and preventing radicalization to violence and violent extremism
START Launches Research Brief Series
START Pioneers Innovative Undergraduate Course on CVE
START research, education and professional training relevant to domestic extremism
START researcher appears on panel on violent extremism in Southeast Asia
START researcher speaks at Department of Defense forum on extremism in the military
START researcher travels to Ghana to help develop CT and CVE training
START researchers brief Swedish delegation
START researchers co-lead International Symposium on Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism
START researchers co-lead webinar series on security challenges in Malaysia
START seeking 2014 Outstanding Article Award nominations
START seminar lecturer receives top honors
START student aspires to serve her country
START team offers counterterrorism training to Albanian officials
START team provides online training on mixed-methods research on preventing and countering violent extremism in Pakistan
START teams up with the University of Oklahoma to study effective counterterrorism strategies
START visits International Islamic University Malaysia to launch new project
State Department foreign press center visits START
UK Protect Duty campaigner Figen Murray OBE visits START for event on resilience to terrorism
Under Secretary Sonenshine speaks to University of Maryland about State Department's public diplomacy successes
Violence prevention specialist Brad Galloway delivers a remote lecture on “Bridging Lived Experiences, CVE and Community Resilience” (Photo Gallery)
Title Sort descending Job Title Institution
person-default Alexandra Williams Junior Researcher University of Maryland
anthony Lemieux Anthony Lemieux Associate Professor of Communication and Lead Researcher of the Transcultural Conflict and Violence Program Georgia State University
Koven Barnett S. Koven Data Science Manager, Deloitte Government & Public Services
Elizabeth Elizabeth Radziszewski Associate Research Scientist, START University of Maryland
Miller Erin Erin Miller Former GTD Program Manager, START University of Maryland
Lafee Gary LaFree Founding Director, START
Distinguished University Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
University of Maryland
Jeff Jeff Gruenewald Associate Professor and Director of the Terrorism Research Center, University of Arkansas University of Arkansas
Joshua Freilich Joshua Freilich Professor John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Panyan Karina Panyan Research Assistant, Global Terrorism Database (GTD), START University of Maryland
Izsak Katherine Katherine Worboys Izsak Academic Director, UMD College of Information (iSchool) University of Maryland
Lindquist Katy Lindquist Principal Research Scientist, NSI Inc.
kurt braddock Kurt Braddock Assistant Professor, American University American University
Laura Dugan Laura Dugan Ralph Mershon Professor of Human Security and Professor of Sociology The Ohio State University
Liberty Liberty Day Program Director for Education and Training University of Maryland
Romm madeline Madeline Romm Faculty Specialist University of Maryland
Erdemandi Max Erdemandi Ph.D. Student, Communication Science and Social Cognition University of Maryland
person-default Megan Rutter Researcher, START University of Maryland
person-default Michael Jensen Research Director and Senior Researcher, START University of Maryland
person-default Peter Simi Associate Professor, Chapman University
Director, Earl Babbie Research Center
Chapman University
Robert lamb Robert D. Lamb ICONS Director and Associate Research Scientist University of Maryland
Henkin Samuel D. Henkin Geospatial Research Unit (GRU) Researcher, START University of Maryland
Stevan_Weine Stevan Weine Professor of Psychiatry University of Illinois at Chicago
Guarrieri Thomas Guarrieri Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Assistant Research Scientist, Unconventional Weapons &
Technology (UWT) Division, START
University of Maryland
Braniff William William Braniff Department Chair, START Director (on IPA)
Professor of the Practice, University of Maryland
University of Maryland
Abbreviation Thumbnail Image Title Sort descending Direct Link
A Multi-Level Approach to the Study of Violent Extremism
A Toolkit for Preventing Targeted Violence on College Campuses
Anti-Terrorism Assistance Programs
Assessing the Effectiveness of Current De-Radicalization Initiatives and Identifying Implications for the Development of U.S.-Based Initiatives in Multiple Settings
Bridging Religious Communities and Technology Providers to Counter Narratives of Violent Extremism
Building Resilience to Violent Extremism Among Somali-Americans in Minneapolis-St. Paul
Campus Dialogues
Coalition Building for CVE and Community Resilience
Community-oriented Policing and Community Engagement in Benin
Comparing Failed, Foiled, Completed and Successful Terrorist Attacks
Counter Radicalization of Scientists in CBRN-relevant Technical Fields
Counterterrorism Net Assessment Data Structure (CT NEADS)
Developing Academic Partnerships and Collaborative Research on Countering Violent Extremism in Malaysia and Southeast Asia
Divergent Dimensions of Radicalization Risk: Migration and Violent Extremism in Sabah
Empirical Assessment of Domestic Disengagement and Deradicalization (EAD3)
Evaluating the Safe Spaces Community-Led CVE Program
Family and Community Capacities among US Minorities: a Key to Preventing Violent Extremism
GATE-Israel Government Actions in a Terror Environment - Israel (GATE-Israel) Go
Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami: The Challenge of a Non-Violent Radical Islam
Homegrown Radicalization and the Role of Social Networks and Social Inclusiveness in the United States
Integrating Mental Health and Education Fields into Countering Violent Extremism
International Survey Capability
IVEO IVEO Knowledge Matrix Go
Measuring Political Radicalization: Diaspora Support for Terrorism among Ottawa's Lebanese Muslim Community
Mobilization For and Against Terrorism in the Muslim World
Opportunities for Public-Private Partnership in Countering Online Extremism and Recruitment
Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS)
Radicalization of Momin Khawaja
Radicalization of U.S. Prisoners
Rehabilitation and Reintegration for CVE Programs
Resources and Resilience: A Computational Model of Strategic Influence
Social Media Influencers: Re-domaining Fashion Industry Forecasting to Anticipate Online Extremist Radicalization
Social, Behavioral, Cultural, and Economic (SBCE) Impacts on Terrorist Activity
Terrorist Attacks on the Homeland
The Terrorism and Extremist Violence in the United States (TEVUS) Database
Tracking Attitudes within American Subculture
Two to Tango: Government and Terrorist Group Actions in Colombia