START has partnered with Oxford University Press to sponsor this interdisciplinary book series. The Causes, Conduct and Consequences of Terrorism book series is edited by Laura Dugan (START Affiliate, The Ohio State University), Gary Ackerman (START Affiliate, University at Albany) and Anthony Lemieux (START Affiliate, Georgia State University). The series will approach terrorism conceptually as having a developmental “life-cycle.” Within this perspective, the series will treat terrorism as a phenomenon that has a set of interdependent phases: (1) the origins of extremism and the formation of terrorist groups; (2) terrorist dynamics and persistence; and (3) societal responses to terrorism.
Each volume in the series will thus be conceptually situated within this life-cycle and contributing authors must explore the interconnections between the phase in which their topic resides and the other phases. To offer an example: a volume on the role of ideology in radicalization (phase 1) could touch on how the violent behavior of the radicalized individuals and groups that follow the ideology might in turn be affected (phase 2) and whether targeted societies react differently to radicals espousing different ideologies (phase 3). Another example is where a study on the effectiveness of certain counterterrorism measures (phase 2) might examine the possible unintended consequences or side effects of counterterrorist measures relating to the recruitment of new members into terrorist organizations (phase 1).
From a methodological standpoint, the Causes, Conduct and Consequences of Terrorism is rooted in a paradigm of rigorous social science, and is open to a wide variety of methodological approaches. Each of the books in the series, however, must explore the topic of terrorism in a manner that is at once theoretically informed, empirically grounded and policy relevant. As such, the series aims to fill lacunae in earlier scholarship on terrorism, which was sometimes limited in the topics that it could address and the insights it could derive by both a dearth of data and the attention of only a handful of academic disciplines.
Click here for proposal instructions Access full series at Oxford University Press
Titles in this series include: