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Search Terms: (islamic state)

201908100018 2019-08-10 Nigeria Mallam Fatori Boko Haram 4 0 Military Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908100009 2019-08-10 Nigeria Dikwa district Boko Haram 0 0 Military Sub-Saharan Africa Unknown Unknown
201908100008 2019-08-10 Israel Nahal Oz Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) (suspected) 4 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201908100005 2019-08-10 Nigeria Gubio Boko Haram 14 Unknown Military,Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201908090006 2019-08-09 Mozambique Liche Central Africa Province of the Islamic State Unknown Unknown Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping),Facility/Infrastructure Attack Firearms,Incendiary
201908090004 2019-08-11 Nigeria Ngwom Boko Haram 2 1 Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping),Armed Assault,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Firearms,Incendiary,Melee
201908080006 2019-08-08 West Bank and Gaza Strip Migdal Oz Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) (suspected) 1 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Melee
201908070022 2019-08-07 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State Unknown Unknown Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201908070021 2019-08-07 Afghanistan Shina Pol Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State Unknown Unknown Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201908070017 2019-08-07 Egypt Al-Birth Sinai Province of the Islamic State 2 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201908070005 2019-08-07 Syria Al-Qahtaniyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 5 1 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908060019 2019-08-08 Iraq Samarra Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms,Melee
201908060006 2019-08-06 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 2 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908060005 2019-08-06 Pakistan Quetta Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 13 Business South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908060003 2019-08-06 Iraq Khanaqin Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 1 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908060002 2019-08-06 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 5 7 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908050018 2019-08-05 Afghanistan Herat Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 4 30 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908050003 2019-08-05 Pakistan Niag Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) 2 4 Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908050001 2019-08-05 Nigeria Monguno Boko Haram 5 Unknown Military,Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201908040022 2019-08-04 Egypt Beir al-Abd Sinai Province of the Islamic State Unknown Unknown Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms
201908040016 2019-08-04 Democratic Republic of the Congo Masatsa Allied Democratic Forces (ADF),Central Africa Province of the Islamic State 5 0 Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary,Melee
201908010028 2019-08-01 Israel Eshkol regional council Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) 1 3 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201908010025 2019-08-01 Iraq Kola Jawi Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 14 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908010022 2019-08-01 Yemen Shaykh Uthman Adan-Abyan Province of the Islamic State,Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP),Houthi extremists (Ansar Allah) (suspected) 15 29 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907310039 2019-07-29 Iraq Tikrit district Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Business Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201907310033 2019-07-31 Iraq Kulajo Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 2 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201907310032 2019-07-31 Iraq Kulajo Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 1 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201907310002 2019-07-31 Iraq Samarra Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 1 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907310001 2019-07-31 Iraq Sayid Gharib Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 5 2 Police,Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907300007 2019-07-30 Nigeria Beni Shiek Boko Haram Unknown Unknown Military Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907290004 2019-07-29 Nigeria Baga Boko Haram 11 5 Military,Military Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201907280032 2019-07-28 Iraq Kirkuk district Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
201907280025 2019-07-28 Syria Unknown Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 12 23 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201907280022 2019-07-28 Syria Taraba Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 9 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907280003 2019-07-28 Iraq Tikrit district Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Business,Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Unknown
201907270018 2019-07-27 Syria Maliha al-Atash Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 7 Unknown Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Firearms
201907270009 2019-07-27 Iraq Karbala Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 3 Transportation Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907250009 2019-07-25 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban (suspected) 4 15 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907250008 2019-07-25 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban (suspected) 4 15 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907240016 2019-07-24 Iraq Houm Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 1 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907240014 2019-07-24 Iraq Nae Nayat Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 0 Private Citizens & Property,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Firearms,Firearms
201907240003 2019-07-24 Iraq Mansour Aoa Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 2 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907230032 2019-07-23 Iraq Baiji Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201907230018 2019-07-23 Iraq Azurij Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 1 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Assassination Firearms
201907230014 2019-07-23 Iraq Imam Weis Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907230013 2019-07-23 Mozambique Mukolo Central Africa Province of the Islamic State 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Unknown Unknown
201907230011 2019-07-21 Syria Unknown Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Transportation Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907230005 2019-07-23 Pakistan Quetta Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 3 18 Business South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907230004 2019-07-23 Bangladesh Dhaka Islamic State in Bangladesh,Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) 0 0 Police South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907230003 2019-07-23 Bangladesh Dhaka Islamic State in Bangladesh,Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) 0 0 Police South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907220018 2019-07-22 Syria Damascus Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL),Saraya Qasyoun 1 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907220007 2019-07-22 Mali Unknown Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS),Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) 2 9 Military,Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Firearms
201907210013 2019-07-21 Iraq Dawr Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 1 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907210012 2019-07-21 Iraq Islah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907210011 2019-07-21 Iraq Islah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 2 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907190005 2019-07-19 Iraq Amerli Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 3 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907190004 2019-07-19 Iraq Amerli Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907180021 2019-07-18 Yemen Taizz Houthi extremists (Ansar Allah) 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907180015 2019-07-18 Syria Mayadin Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 5 4 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201907180008 2019-07-18 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid Sinai Province of the Islamic State 2 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Firearms
201907180004 2019-07-18 Nigeria Kennari Boko Haram 6 Unknown NGO Sub-Saharan Africa Hijacking Unknown
201907170014 2019-07-17 Syria Hasakah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 2 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907170008 2019-07-17 Egypt Awmariya Sinai Province of the Islamic State 4 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Melee
201907170005 2019-07-17 Nigeria Jakana Boko Haram 16 Unknown Military Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907170003 2019-07-17 Iraq Arbil Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) (suspected) 3 0 Business,Government (Diplomatic),Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907150013 2019-07-15 Iraq Saba al-Bor Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 4 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907150007 2019-07-15 Niger Inates Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Assassination Unknown
201907150003 2019-07-15 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 4 Private Citizens & Property,Religious Figures/Institutions Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives,Firearms
201907130017 2019-07-13 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 2 Police,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907120013 2019-07-12 Syria Shahil Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907120012 2019-07-12 Syria Tayyanah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 5 6 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907120010 2019-07-12 Iraq Sadiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 4 Government (General),Police,Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907120003 2019-07-11 Syria Qamishli Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 7 Religious Figures/Institutions Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907120002 2019-07-12 Afghanistan Pachir Agam district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban (suspected) 10 12 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia South Asia Assassination Explosives
201907110023 2019-07-11 Syria Hasakah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907110005 2019-07-11 Syria Hasakah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 1 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907110004 2019-07-11 Syria Hasakah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907090011 2019-07-09 Libya Zillah Fezzan Province of the Islamic State 5 0 Business Middle East & North Africa Facility/Infrastructure Attack Unknown
201907090007 2019-07-09 Iraq Shirqat Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 4 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907080002 2019-07-07 Iraq Mkheisa Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907070030 2019-07-07 Egypt Sadat Sinai Province of the Islamic State 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907070003 2019-07-07 Iraq Jalawla Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 1 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907060030 2019-07-06 Afghanistan Unknown Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 0 Military South Asia Armed Assault Firearms
201907060002 2019-07-06 Iraq Fallujah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 1 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201907050023 2019-07-05 Afghanistan Bihsud district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 2 6 Government (General) South Asia Assassination Explosives
201907050022 2019-07-05 Afghanistan Ghazni Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 2 20 Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907050002 2019-07-05 Iraq Saadiya Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 2 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Unknown
201907050001 2019-07-05 Iraq Saadiya Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 3 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201907030018 2019-07-03 Mozambique Lijungo Central Africa Province of the Islamic State 4 3 Police,Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Unknown Unknown
201907020020 2019-07-02 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 2 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Assassination Explosives
201907010013 2019-07-01 Niger Inates Boko Haram 20 Unknown Military Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201907010012 2019-07-01 Russia Bamut Caucasus Province of the Islamic State 2 0 Police Eastern Europe Armed Assault Explosives,Melee
201907010003 2019-07-01 Iraq Mandali Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 2 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907010002 2019-06-30 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 2 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906300006 2019-06-30 Iraq Shaykh Baba Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 2 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906290034 2019-06-29 Iraq Shafiq Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 3 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201906290022 2019-06-29 Iraq Hussein al-Hamadi Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201906290003 2019-06-29 Iraq Farhatiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 3 Police Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201906280009 2019-06-28 Philippines Kajatian Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG),East Asia Division of the Islamic State 8 22 Military,Private Citizens & Property Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906280004 2019-06-28 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 4 Police,Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
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