A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
Mobilizing on the Extreme Right: Germany, Italy, and the United States Donatella della Porta, Manuela Caiani Book Radical Beliefs and Behavior North America, Western Europe
The Organizational Dynamics of Far-Right Hate Groups in the United States: Comparing Violent to Non-Violent Organizations Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak START Reports Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements
The Illicit Drug Trade, Counternarcotics Strategies and Terrorism James A. Piazza Journal Article Crime and Terrorism Global
Generating Terrorism Event Databases: Results from the Global Terrorism Database, 1970 to 2008 Gary LaFree Book Chapter Terrorism and Society North America
Quantitative approaches to the study of terrorism- Editor's Introduction Gary LaFree, Joshua Freilich Journal Article Terrorism and Society Global
Explaining and Predicting Cultural Differences in Negotiation Michele Gelfand Book Chapter
American Terrorism and Extremist Crime Data Sources and Selectivity Bias: An Investigation Focusing on Homicide Events Committed by Far Right Extremists Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Journal Article Terrorism and Society North America
Countering Myths about Terrorism: Some Lessons Learned from the Global Terrorism Database Gary LaFree Book Chapter Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements Global
Al Qaeda's Post-9/11 Evolution: An Assessment Assaf Moghadam, William Braniff Book Chapter Violent Groups and Movements Global, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia
Gangs, Terrorism, and Radicalization David C. Pyrooz, Scott H. Decker Journal Article Crime and Terrorism, Radical Beliefs and Behavior North America
Locating Al Qaeda's Center of Gravity: The Role of Middle Managers Peter Neumann Journal Article
ETA Ceasefires by the Numbers Erin Miller, Kathleen Smarick Background Report Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements, Disengagement Western Europe
Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Anwar al-Awlaki, and Samir Khan Erin Miller, Kathleen Smarick Background Report Violent Groups and Movements Middle East and North Africa
Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism in the United States (PPT‐US): Data Collection and Descriptive Analysis Erin Miller, Kathleen Smarick START Reports Violent Groups and Movements North America
Patterns of Intervention in Federal Terrorism Cases Brent Smith, Kelly Damphousse START Reports Terrorism and Society, Counterterrorism North America
The psychology of lone-wolf terrorism Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko Journal Article Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Global
Suicide Attack on Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan Background Report Violent Groups and Movements South Asia
Geospatial Patterns of Precursor Behavior among Terrorists Kelly Damphousse, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Brent Smith, Paxton Roberts START Reports Terrorism and Society, Crime and Terrorism North America
Avalanches and Olive Branches: A Multi-Method Analysis of Disasters and Peacemaking in Interstate Rivalries Elizabeth Radziszewski Journal Article Resilience
Interfaith Programs on College Campuses: Lessons Learned Kathleen Smarick, Jonathan Wilkenfeld Research Brief Terrorism and Society, Resilience North America
Poverty, Minority Economic Discrimination, and Domestic Terrorism James A. Piazza Journal Article Terrorism and Society Global
Characteristics of Communities where American Terrorists, Lived, Planned, and Conducted their Attacks Brent Smith, Kelly Damphousse, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Paxton Roberts START Reports Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements North America
Reactions to the War on Terrorism: Origin-Group Differences in the 2007 Pew Poll of U.S. Muslims Clark McCauley Journal Article Terrorism and Society, Resilience Global, North America
Terrorism Preparedness and Exposure Reduction since 9/11: The Status of Public Readiness in the United States Dennis Mileti, Linda Bourque Journal Article Terrorism and Society North America
Psychosocial Adjustment of Directly Exposed Survivors Seven Years after the Oklahoma City Bombing Betty Pfefferbaum Journal Article Resilience North America