A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Military Experience, Identity Discrepancies, and Far Right Terrorism: An Exploratory Analysis


The relationship between far right extremism and military involvement is a complex problem and the dynamics that explain this relationship are not well understood. The present article addresses this gap by discussing the relationship between military experience, identity discrepancies, and far right terrorism. This article proposes that identity discrepancies occur when individuals experience involuntary role exits from the military or when individuals perceive that personal achievements earned while enlisted are unrecognized or unappreciated. Identity discrepancies may facilitate a change in behavior toward far right extremism and eventually terrorism. Case study examples are provided to illustrate this relationship.

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Full Citation:

Simi, Pete, and Bryan Bubolz, Ann Hardman. 2012. "Military Experience, Identity Discrepancies, and Far Right Terrorism: An Exploratory Analysis." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (April): 654-671. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1057610X.2013.802976#.UsrEq…

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