A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
Global Trends in Terrorism, 1970- 2011 Gary LaFree, Laura Dugan Book Chapter Countering Violent Extremism Global
Peace and Conflict 2014 Jonathan Wilkenfeld Book Countering Violent Extremism Global
One Cheer for Classical Realism, or Toward a Power Politics of Religion Book Chapter Terrorism and Society Global
Policing terrorism and police–community relations: views of the Arab minority in Israel David Weisburd Journal Article Terrorism and Society Middle East and North Africa
Anatomizing Chemical and Biological Non-State Adversaries Gary Ackerman, Markus Binder Research Brief Violent Groups and Movements, Chemical and Biological Threats Global
Suicide Bombers – Martyrs, Heroes or Victims? Rashmi Singh Book Chapter Terrorism and Society Middle East and North Africa
Foreign Aid as a Signal to Investors: Predicting FDI in Post-Conflict Countries Brian Phillips Journal Article Global
The Psychology of Radicalization and Deradicalization: How Significance Quest Impacts Violent Extremism Arie Kruglanski, Michele Gelfand Journal Article Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Global
The Talking Cure? Communication and Psychological Impact in Prison De-radicalisation Programmes Kurt Braddock Book Chapter Counterterrorism, Countering Violent Extremism, Radical Beliefs and Behavior, Deradicalization, Disengagement Global
What is a terrorist group? Conceptual issues and empirical implications Brian Phillips Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Global
The State of Al-Qaeda its Affiliates, and Associated Groups: Views from Outside Experts William Braniff Congressional Testimony Violent Groups and Movements Global, Middle East and North Africa
Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States: Preliminary Findings Herbert Tinsley, Michael Jensen, Patrick James Research Brief Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior North America
Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States: An Empirical Assessment of Domestic Radicalization Herbert Tinsley, Michael Jensen, Patrick James Project Fact Sheet Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior North America
Toward a Profile of Lone Wolf Terrorists: What Moves an Individual from Radical Opinion to Radical Action Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko Journal Article Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Global
Terrorism and the Olympics: Sochi, Russia 2014 Erin Miller Background Report Terrorism and Society Eastern Europe, Global
Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. between 1970 and 2012: Data from the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) Erin Miller Research Brief Terrorism and Society North America
Massive Online Open Course: Understanding Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat Gary LaFree, William Braniff Project Fact Sheet Terrorism and Society, Counterterrorism, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Global
State Terrorism Research and Critical Terrorism Studies: An Assessment Martha Crenshaw Book Chapter Terrorism and Society
An Army of One: Assessing CBRN Pursuit and Use by Lone Wolves and Autonomous Cells Gary Ackerman, Lauren Pinson Journal Article Individual Behavior, Chemical and Biological Threats, Radiological and Nuclear Threats Global
Lethal Connections: The Determinants of Network Connections in the Provisional Irish Republican Army, 1970–1998 R. Karl Rethemeyer, Victor Asal Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Western Europe
Phnom Penh during the Cambodian Genocide: A Case of Selective Urbicide Samuel D. Henkin Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Southeast Asia
The Effects of Rivalry on Rivalry: Confrontations and the Strategic Management of Threats Elizabeth Radziszewski Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements
Introducing the United States Extremist Crime Database (ECDB) Jeff Gruenewald, Joshua Freilich, Roberta Belli, Steven Chermak, William Parkin Journal Article Crime and Terrorism North America
Homegrown Terrorism in the United States Joshua Freilich, Roberta Belli, Steven Chermak Journal Article Terrorism and Society North America
The Structure of Success: How the Internal Distribution of Power Drives Armed Group Behavior and National Movement Effectiveness Peter Krause Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Global