A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
Is This Terrorism? / Why Does It Matter? Erin Miller Discussion Point Terrorism and Society Global
Ukrainian Volunteer Fighters in the Eastern Front: Ideas, Political-Social Norms and Emotions as Mobilization Mechanisms Emmanuel Karagiannis Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Eastern Europe
Organizational-Level Characteristics in Right-Wing Extremist Groups in the United States Over Time Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak, Victor Asal Journal Article Terrorism and Society North America
Computing in Compromised Environments: Beyond the Castle Model of Cyber-Security Christian Leuprecht Book Chapter Counterterrorism Global
Scanning the Consequences of Demographic Change for the Emerging Landscape Christian Leuprecht Book Chapter Resilience Global
U.S. Muslim Opinion Over Time: Final Report Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko START Reports Terrorism and Society North America
When Will Russia Use Force in Support of Foreign Policy Objectives? Comparative Evidence from the Ukrainian (2014) and Georgia (2008) Crises John Stevenson START Reports Resilience Eastern Europe
The Obama Administration and Peru Barnett S. Koven Book Chapter Crime and Terrorism South America, North America
Searching for the Nuclear Silk Road: Geospatial Analysis of Potential Illicit Radiological and Nuclear Material Trafficking Pathways Marcus A. Boyd, Steve S. Sin, Ph.D. Book Chapter Radiological and Nuclear Threats Global
Counter-Terrorism in the Post-9/11 Era: Successes, Failures and Lessons Learnt Rashmi Singh Book Chapter Counterterrorism Global
Attacking Nuclear Facilities: Hype or Genuine Threat? Gary Ackerman Book Chapter Counterterrorism, Radiological and Nuclear Threats North America
What Comes after ISIS? A Peace Proposal Clark McCauley Journal Article Terrorism and Society Middle East and North Africa
Identity and Framing Theory, Precursor Activity, and the Radicalization Process Brent Smith, Kelly Damphousse, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Paxton Roberts Report Radical Beliefs and Behavior Global
Terrorism Laura Dugan Book Chapter Terrorism and Society, Counterterrorism Global
With Friends Like These…Why Terrorist Organizations Ally Gary Ackerman, R. Karl Rethemeyer, Victor Asal Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Global
Intensely Exposed Oklahoma City Terrorism Survivors: Long-term Mental Health and Health Needs and Posttraumatic Growth Betty Pfefferbaum Journal Article Individual Behavior North America
Balancing Pre-disaster Preparedness and Post-disaster Relief Jun Zhuang Journal Article Resilience Global
Why ISIS' Message Resonates: Leveraging Islam, Socio-Political Catalysts and Adaptive Messaging Gina Scott Ligon Journal Article Terrorism and Society Global
Our Hazardous Environment: Four Decades of Progress or Retrenchment? Susan Cutter Journal Article Resilience Global
Targeting Strategies in Single-Issue Bomb Attacks Margaret Wilson Journal Article Terrorism and Society Global
Do Contemporaneous Armed Challenges Affect the Outcomes of Mass Nonviolent Campaigns? Erica Chenoweth Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Global
Introducing Government Actions in Terror Environments (GATE) Dataset Erica Chenoweth, Laura Dugan Conference Paper Counterterrorism Global
A Mixed-Method Analysis of Fatal Attacks on Policy by Far-Right Extremists Jeff Gruenewald, Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Journal Article Crime and Terrorism North America
Extreme Hatred: Revisiting the Hate Crime and Terrorism Relationship to Determine Whether They Are "Close Cousins" or "Distant Relatives" Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Journal Article Crime and Terrorism North America
The Trust Paradox in Nuclear Smuggling Egle Murauskaite Journal Article Crime and Terrorism, Radiological and Nuclear Threats Global