A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
The Diffusion and Permeability of Political Violence in North and West Africa Christian Leuprecht Journal Article Terrorism and Society Middle East and North Africa
Fragile States John Stevenson Report
Implementing Disaster Policy: Exploring Scale and Measurement Schemes for Disaster Resilience Susan Cutter Journal Article Resilience
Research Handbook on Mediating International Crises Jonathan Wilkenfeld Book Resilience Global
The Rise and Fall of Terrorism Erin Miller Book Chapter Violent Groups and Movements
Constructing the Field of Terrorism Martha Crenshaw Book Chapter Terrorism and Society
Caravan of Martyrs: Sacrifice and Suicide Bombing in Afghanistan, by David B. Edwards Mohammed Hafez Book Review Terrorism and Society
How Mobile Home Residents Understand and Respond to Tornado Warnings Brooke Liu, Michael Egnoto Journal Article North America
Towards a Definition of Terrorist Ideology Gary Ackerman Journal Article Individual Behavior
Modelling Terrorist Technology Transfer Gary Ackerman, Rebecca (Becca) Earnhardt White Paper Counterterrorism
Hacking the Human Body: The Cyber-Bio Convergence Rebecca (Becca) Earnhardt White Paper Chemical and Biological Threats
Malevolent Innovation: Novelty and Effectiveness in Terror Attacks Gina Scott Ligon White Paper Violent Groups and Movements
Cry Wolf Effect? Evaluating the Impact of False Alarms on Public Responses to Tornado Alerts in the Southeastern United States Brooke Liu, Michael Egnoto Journal Article North America
Editor's Essay: The Critical Need for Crisis and Risk Communication Research Brooke Liu Journal Article Risk Communication
Media Effects Within the Context of Violent Extremism in the Post-9/11 Era Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Book Chapter Violent Groups and Movements
Discussion Point: The New Zealand Terrorist's Manifesto: A Look at Some of the Key Narratives, Beliefs and Tropes Alejandro Beutel Discussion Point Countering Violent Extremism Australasia & Oceania
Terrorism Media Effects in Youth Exposed to Chronic Threat and Conflict in Israel Betty Pfefferbaum, Rose Pfefferbaum Journal Article Terrorism and Society Middle East and North Africa
The Situated Contexts of American Terrorism: A Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations Brent Smith, Jeff Gruenewald Journal Article Crime and Terrorism, Counterterrorism North America
Individuals’ Religiosity and Emotional Coping in Response to Disasters Brooke Liu, Holly Roberts, Michael Egnoto Journal Article Resilience
Prison and Violent Political Extremism in the United States Bo Jiang, Gary LaFree Journal Article Crime and Terrorism, Radical Beliefs and Behavior North America
Risk Tolerance during Conflict: Evidence from Aleppo, Syria Vera Mironova Journal Article Individual Behavior Middle East and North Africa
Crisis Information Seeking and Sharing (CISS): Scale Development for Measuring Publics’ Communicative Behavior in Social-Mediated Public Health Crises Yan Jin Journal Article Risk Communication
An Examination of the American Far Right’s Anti-Tax Financial Crimes Brandon A. Sullivan, Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Journal Article Crime and Terrorism North America
The Terrorism Recidivism Study (TRS): Examining Recidivism Rates for Post-9/11 Offenders Omi Hodwitz Journal Article Crime and Terrorism North America
Sub-state Actors' Threats to International Security: Religious Extremists and Terrorist Groups Sharad Joshi Book Chapter Violent Groups and Movements Global