A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

The Terrorism Recidivism Study (TRS): Examining Recidivism Rates for Post-9/11 Offenders


This study examines recidivism rates of offenders convicted of terrorism-related offenses post-9/11 in the United States (N=561). In total, nine offenders recidivated while incarcerated or upon release. Of the 247 who were released during the course of the study, four recidivated. This indicates a recidivism rate of approximately 1.6% among released political extremists. These findings suggest that restrictive policies designed to increase surveillance of released political extremists, such as the recently proposed TRACER Act and other registry-based measures, are unwarranted.

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Full Citation:

Hodwitz, Omi. 2019. "The Terrorism Recidivism Study (TRS): Examining Recidivism Rates for Post-9/11 Offenders." Perspectives on Terrorism 13 (April): 54-64. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26626865?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

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