A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Motivations and Characteristics of Hate Crime Offenders


Drawn from a first-of-its-kind database (the Bias Incidents and Actors Study [BIAS]) on nearly 1,000 violent and nonviolent hate crime offenders in the United States, a new research brief by University of Maryland’s National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) shows that offenders vary significantly in terms of motivations, background and demographic characteristics, criminal histories, and targets.

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Jensen, Michael, Elizabeth Yates, and Sheehan Kane. 2020. "Motivations and Characteristics of Hate Crime Offenders." College Park, MD: START (October). www.start.umd.edu/pubs/START_BIAS_MotivationsCharacteristicsOfHateCrimeOffenders_Oct2020.pdf

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