A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

'Keep Wicked Calm and Carry the Hell On': Boston, Terrorism and the Rhetorical Power of Resilience


On July 6, 2010, START issued a background report on the fifth anniversary of the 7/7 London Transit Attacks. The report examined the degree to which the attacks reflected changing trends in terrorist activity in Great Britain and globally. What was most significant about the attacks, for us, however, was the official and public response that revolved around the concept of "resilience." A community's response to terrorism depends, in part, on the circulation of rhetorical images that synthesize a group's thoughts and feelings toward events, and resilience was a significant term for mobilizing a national response.


Publication Information

Full Citation:

start.umd.edu. 2013. ''Keep Wicked Calm and Carry the Hell On': Boston, Terrorism and the Rhetorical Power of Resilience.' June 21. www.start.umd.edu/discussion-point-keep-wicked-calm-and-carry-hell-boston-terrorism-and-rhetorical-power

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