Former Investigator
Hamilton Bean
Lead Investigator on START Research Projects
Selected Publications
Stand Down: A Journal of Applied Communication Research Forum on Extremism and White Nationalism in the United States Military
(Journal Article)
De-constituting al-Qa’ida: CCO theory and the decline and dissolution of hidden organizations
(Journal Article)
How communication theory can help counter-terrorism stakeholders
(Journal Article)
Strategic Communication and U.S. National Security Affairs: Critical-Cultural and Rhetorical Perspectives
(Book Chapter)
Milling and Public Warnings
(Journal Article)
Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? The Effects of Maps and Warning Messages on How Publics Respond to Disaster Information
(Journal Article)
A genosonic analysis of ISIL and US counter-extremism video messages
(Journal Article)
Disaster Warnings in Your Pocket: How Audiences Interpret Mobile Alerts for an Unfamiliar Hazard
(Journal Article)
'Keep Wicked Calm and Carry the Hell On': Boston, Terrorism and the Rhetorical Power of Resilience
(Discussion Point)
RCPGP Warning System Integration Research Project Final Report
(START Reports)
The Role of Homeland Security Information Bulletins within Emergency Management Organizations
(Research Brief)
News References
Study shows longer emergency text alerts improve safety
(Featured Research)
Discussion Point: 'Keep Wicked Calm and Carry the Hell On': Boston, Terrorism and the Rhetorical Power of Resilience
(Discussion Point)
Researcher spotlight: Hamilton Bean
(People Spotlight)
START Releases 2011 Research Review
(Featured Research)
START releases new data collections
(Featured Research)
START Expands its Research Brief Series
(Featured Research)