Leading police associations in the United States and the United Kingdom have advocated that law enforcement adopt an intelligence-led policing model (ILP). Much like the situation with community policing, there does not appear to be a commonly accepted definition of ILP nor of the practical implications for police agencies' mission, structure, and processes. This article presents a model of ILP that builds on community policing, problem solving, and continuous improvement business models that have been adopted by police departments. Examples of these practices are reviewed as a method of illustrating the promise of an ILP approach. A broad conceptualization of ILP is presented under the belief that ILP will be most likely integrated into law enforcement and will have the greatest impact if it is adopted from an “all crimes” perspective. The article concludes with illustrations of the utility of ILP for addressing threats of domestic and international terrorism.
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Full Citation:
McGarrell, Edmund F., Joshua D. Freilich and Steven Chermak. 2007. "Intelligence-Led Policing As a Framework for Responding to Terrorism." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 23 (May): 142-158. http://www.sagepub.com/martin3study/articles/McGarrell.pdf
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