December News: New international collaboration; Graduate Certificate in Terrorism Analysis
November 2018 Newsletter: START develops model to thwart RN attacks; Analysis of attacks by far-right extremists
Oct. News: Background information on far-right homicides, attacks on religious institutions, radicalization, package bombs
Sept. News: START launches Terrorism 360 podcast; New data on American deaths in terrorist attacks; Has society lost grip on truth?
July News: New data & analysis of social media use by U.S. extremists; Report on radicalization of Syrian refugees; Job opportunities
June Newsletter: Integrating mental health and education approaches into CVE; Students innovate against hate
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April Newsletter: Education and Career Opportunities
University R&D to protect the homeland; START names new UWT director
Jan. News: Researchers identify strongest predictor of post-radicalization violent extremism; New cyber threat mitigation course
Dec. News: Analysis of jihadist-linked US plots; New database about financing terrorism; LaFree tapped to lead UMD Criminology and Criminal Justice
November News: Spatial and ideological analysis of US terrorist attacks; Marginalization: Recasting CVE as a grand strategic response to terrorism
Oct. News: Technology transfers to terrorists; US Foreign fighters; Explosive detection technology adoption
September News: New data on radicalization in the US; Profiles of chem/bio adversaries; Risk communication during tornadoes
August News: GTD reveals fewer terrorist attacks in 2016; Protecting communities at risk for radicalization; Negative feelings & radical opinion
July News: Benchmarking the ‘Jihadi Industry;’ GTD 2016 dataset released; New tool for event-based research
June News: Comparing gang members and domestic extremists; Attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan; START launches book series with Oxford University Press
May Newsletter: Intra-Salafi Muslim debates on violence; Data integration tools to debut this summer; New summer course offerings
April News: Key concepts to understand violent White supremacy; Separating radical opinion and radical behavior; New online training course
March News: Grazy Zone crises in MENA and Easter Europe; Terrorist threats to US infrastructure; CVE across all ideologies
Far-right and Islamist violence; Jihadist plots; U.S. Muslim reactions to war on terrorism
January News: Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS); Terrorist assassinations
December news: Gray Zone conflicts explained; Global Terrorism Index released; CVE principles for local government
November News: Far-right terrorist recruitment & radicalization; Law enforcement homicides committed by extremists; FARC and the failed peace process
New tools and trainings for security practitioners and scholars
October Newsletter: Maryland Academy for Innovation in National Security, GTD Training Series
Terrorist planning and success rates; Case study in radicalization; Strategies to limit groups’ lethality
START News: New analysis of Islamic State Attacks; Jujitsu Politics; Traumatic Stress and CVE
July News: 2015 GTD data released; Authority-community partnerships; Framework for public-private CVE
START News: 2015 Country Reports on Terror; The hate crime/terrorism relationship; Shame and masculinity in recruitment narratives
START News: Forecasting the flow of foreign fighters; Equipping educators to understand mass violence and extremism
Special Edition: New data on foreign fighters
Violent non-state actors & complex engineering; New nuclear facility attack database; Radicalization among immigrants; Public health lessons for CVE
Special Edition: Terrorism in Belgium and Western Europe; Attacks against Transportation Targets; Coordinated Terrorist Attacks
START News: Risk of ISIL attacks in Libya; Exploring ideologically motivated homicides; News media and perception of Muslims
Best practices for addressing violent extremism; Why the terrorism label matters – and doesn’t
START joins with ICONS to enhance simulation capabilities; Dynamics of counterterrorism campaigns; Understanding Terrorism course
START News: Paris attacks; Terrorism in Mali; Core Capabilities of ISIL
START Special Edition: Contextualizing the Paris Attacks - Background Report; Online series on ISIL; Additional resources
New tool to understand terrorist groups; Research from the START Symposium; American deaths in terrorist attacks
New CVE recommendations; longer emergency alerts improve safety; foreign fighters
START News: Terrorism in 2014; Assessing the bioweapon threat; Sinai Province of the Islamic State
START News: Examining the use of firearms in US terrorism; Surveillance banners curb severity of cyber hacks; Piracy in Southeast Asia
START News: Energy-related terrorist attacks; Financial crimes of far-right extremists; Focusing on community safety as CVE
START News: Human smuggling routes identified; Countering CBRN at sea; Communities on the front lines to fight terrorism
START News: Percursors to violent extremism; Hybrid organizations and RN trafficking; Insider threat in aviation industry
START News: Intentional targeting of children by terrorists; Suspicious Activity Reporting; CBRNe Conference
START News: Policy considerations regarding Boko Haram; White House CVE Summit; Non-Conventional Threat CBRNe Event Series
START Special Edition: White House Summit on CVE
START News: Terrorist attacks on educational institutions; AQAM financial and material support schemes