The Minorities at Risk project is pleased to announce the release of the Minorities at Risk Organizational Behavior (MAROB) dataset for the Middle East and North Africa. This new dataset covers 112 organizations representing 22 ethnic groups in 12 countries, providing information on 163 variables on an annual basis from 1980-2004.
Variables included cover organizational characteristics, state-organization relations, external support, and organizational behavior (nonviolent, violent and criminal). The MAROB data (in ASCII, SPSS and STATA formats) and codebook are available at
Please direct any questions about the dataset or codebook to Mary Michael, the MAR Project Coordinator at . MAROB is a project of the Minorities at Risk Project and is sponsored by the Center for International Development and Conflict Management and the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), both based at the University of Maryland.