Line Chart


Year: (2000)

All incidents regardless of doubt.

Attacks: (Armed Assault; Bombing/Explosion; Hijacking; Hostage Taking (Barricade Incident); Hostage Taking (Kidnapping); Facility/Infrastructure Attack; Unarmed Assault; Unknown)

200001310001 2000-12-31 Nepal Kathmandu Unknown 0 0 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012310009 2000-12-31 France Corte Unknown 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012300006 2000-12-30 Algeria Sidi-Bouzid Algerian Islamic Extremists 2 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Melee
200012250006 2000-12-25 Greece Athens Anarchists Attack Team 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012240030 2000-12-24 Indonesia Medan Jemaah Islamiya (JI) (suspected) 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012240024 2000-12-24 Indonesia Medan Jemaah Islamiya (JI) (suspected) 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012240016 2000-12-24 Indonesia Sukabumi Jemaah Islamiya (JI) (suspected) 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012240020 2000-12-24 Indonesia Batam Jemaah Islamiya (JI) (suspected) 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012240014 2000-12-24 Indonesia Jakarta Jemaah Islamiya (JI) (suspected) 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012220001 2000-12-22 India New Delhi Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) 3 0 Military South Asia Facility/Infrastructure Attack,Armed Assault Firearms
200012190003 2000-12-19 Kosovo Zubin Potok Unknown 0 0 Police Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Explosives,Firearms
200012180010 2000-12-18 Algeria Ouled Mahieddine Algerian Moslem Fundamentalists (suspected) 22 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
200012150003 2000-12-15 Russia Alkhan-Kala Unknown 4 0 Private Citizens & Property Eastern Europe Armed Assault Firearms
200012100001 2000-12-12 India Lalpora Unknown 3 0 Police South Asia Bombing/Explosion,Assassination Explosives
200012100002 2000-12-10 Georgia Kodor Gorge Unknown 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Central Asia Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
200012080004 2000-12-08 Russia Urus-Martan Chechen Rebels (suspected) 4 0 Military,Private Citizens & Property Eastern Europe Armed Assault Firearms
200012060006 2000-12-06 Spain Eibar Basque Fatherland and Freedom (ETA) 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012040005 2000-12-04 Guinea Gbaya Rebels 5 0 Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Unknown Unknown
200012010003 2000-12-01 India Srinagar Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200012000001 2000-12-00 Algeria Berrouaghia Unknown 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
200011280008 2000-11-28 Colombia Bogota Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 0 0 Business,Private Citizens & Property South America Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms
200011260004 2000-11-26 Algeria Tirmitine Municipality Armed Islamic Group (GIA) 2 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
200011250005 2000-11-25 Spain Elorrio Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011240002 2000-11-24 Cambodia Phnom Penh Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) (suspected) 0 0 Military Southeast Asia Armed Assault Firearms
200011240003 2000-11-24 France Baule Unknown 1 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011230004 2000-11-23 West Bank and Gaza Strip Unknown Unknown 1 0 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011220003 2000-11-22 Russia Kargalinskaya Unknown 0 0 Government (General) Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011200002 2000-11-20 Algeria Haouch Saboun Unknown 8 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Melee,Melee,Firearms
200011180003 2000-11-19 Russia Grozny Chechen Rebels 5 0 Private Citizens & Property Eastern Europe Armed Assault Firearms
200011170006 2000-11-18 Algeria Sidi Gouzil Unknown 4 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011160005 2000-11-16 West Bank and Gaza Strip Harith Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms,Melee
200011150002 2000-11-15 Turkey Istanbul Unknown 0 0 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011130005 2000-11-13 Turkey Istanbul Unknown 0 0 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011120007 2000-11-12 Nepal Kathmandu Unknown 0 0 Business South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011100002 2000-11-10 Haiti Port-au-Prince Unknown 0 0 Government (General) Central America & Caribbean Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011080005 2000-11-08 Spain Onate Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
200011050009 2000-11-05 Algeria Oued-Rich Algerian Islamic Extremists 1 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault,Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Melee
200011030003 2000-11-03 South Africa Cape Town Unknown 0 0 Business Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200011010006 2000-11-01 Canada Edmonton Unknown 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions North America Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
200011010002 2000-11-01 Philippines Talaba New People's Army (NPA) 0 0 Transportation Southeast Asia Armed Assault Incendiary
200010290003 2000-10-29 Peru Mazocruz Rebel Military Unit 0 0 Business,Private Citizens & Property South America Hostage Taking (Kidnapping),Facility/Infrastructure Attack Unknown
200011050007 2000-10-26 China Lhasa Unknown 0 0 Unknown East Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010240003 2000-10-24 France Ajaccio Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010230009 2000-10-23 Algeria Tizi Ouzou Unknown 1 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
200010220007 2000-10-22 Spain Vitoria Basque Fatherland and Freedom (ETA) (suspected) 1 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010210007 2000-10-21 Spain Arrasate Basque Fatherland and Freedom (ETA) (suspected) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010200009 2000-10-20 Turkey Diyarbakir Turkish Hezbollah (suspected) 1 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
200010200001 2000-10-20 Spain Gallarta Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Unknown
200010190010 2000-10-19 Russia Argun Chechen Rebels (suspected) 1 0 Police Eastern Europe Armed Assault Firearms
200010180006 2000-10-18 Philippines Kidapawan Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) (suspected) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010170010 2000-10-17 Australia Normahurst Unknown 0 0 Transportation Australasia & Oceania Armed Assault Firearms
200010160007 2000-10-16 Spain Madrid Anarchists 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010150003 2000-10-14 Russia Valernik Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010130001 2000-10-13 South Africa Cape Town Unknown 0 0 Business Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010120002 2000-10-12 Ecuador Tivacuno Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) (suspected) 0 0 Business South America Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms
200010110002 2000-10-10 Yugoslavia Belgrade Unknown 0 0 Government (General) Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010090004 2000-10-09 Algeria Relizane Algerian Islamic Extremists 6 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Melee
200010070003 2000-10-07 Colombia Cali National Liberation Army of Colombia (ELN) (suspected) 0 0 Business South America Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200010050004 2000-10-05 Colombia Barranquilla Gunmen 1 0 Educational Institution South America Armed Assault Firearms
200010010001 2000-10-01 Colombia Quinchia Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 0 0 Government (General) South America Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
200009290005 2000-09-29 Indonesia Banda Aceh Free Aceh Movement (GAM) (suspected) 0 0 Government (General) Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009290006 2000-09-29 United Kingdom Magherafelt Unknown 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Armed Assault Firearms
200009270003 2000-09-27 Spain Valencia First of October Antifascist Resistance Group (GRAPO) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009270015 2000-09-27 Turkey Kadikoy district Unknown 0 0 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives
200009260007 2000-09-26 Albania Fier Unknown 0 0 Government (General),Private Citizens & Property Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009260002 2000-09-26 Uganda Kyangwali Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault,Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms
200009250005 2000-09-25 Indonesia Palu Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Southeast Asia Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
200009240005 2000-09-24 India Rajouri Unknown 0 0 Police,Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009230001 2000-09-23 Colombia Mocoa district Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 0 0 Business South America Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009200008 2000-09-20 Kosovo Gnjilane Albanian extremists 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009190006 2000-09-19 Algeria Bou Ismail Unknown 5 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms,Incendiary
200009180001 2000-09-18 Indonesia Dayah Tanoh Free Aceh Movement (GAM) (suspected) 3 0 Police,Military Southeast Asia Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
200009170002 2000-09-17 Solomon Islands Weather Coast Isatabu Freedom Movement (IFM) 0 0 Airports and Aircraft Australasia & Oceania Hijacking Unknown
200009140008 2000-09-14 Philippines Kabacan Unknown 0 0 Business Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009130001 2000-09-13 Colombia Cano Limon National Liberation Army of Colombia (ELN) 0 0 Business,Business South America Bombing/Explosion,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Explosives
200009130005 2000-09-13 France Sperone Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009120012 2000-09-12 Russia Budyonnovsk Chechen Rebels (suspected) 0 0 Business Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009120008 2000-09-12 Bangladesh Khagrachari Unknown 0 0 Government (General) South Asia Hostage Taking (Barricade Incident) Firearms,Explosives
200009110005 2000-09-11 Indonesia Banda Aceh Unknown 0 0 Police Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009090003 2000-09-09 India Dumariyan Ranbir Sena (suspected) 6 0 Violent Political Party South Asia Armed Assault Incendiary
200009080004 2000-09-08 South Africa Cape Town People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD) (suspected) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009070001 2000-09-07 Greece Athens Black Star 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
200009060003 2000-09-06 Russia Chernorechye Chechen Rebels (suspected) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009060004 2000-09-06 Greece Athens Black Star 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Incendiary
200009040010 2000-09-04 Colombia Itagui district Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) (suspected) 0 0 Business South America Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009040012 2000-09-04 Colombia Copacabana district Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) (suspected) 0 0 Business South America Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009040008 2000-09-04 Colombia Itagui district Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) (suspected) 0 0 Business South America Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009040014 2000-09-04 Colombia Girardota district Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) (suspected) 0 0 Business South America Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200009030008 2000-09-03 Russia Between Naurskaya and Novoterskaya Chechen Rebels 0 0 Transportation Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Explosives
200009030005 2000-09-03 Kosovo Mushnikove Albanian extremists (suspected) 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Explosives
200009060007 2000-08-30 Colombia Pacho Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) (suspected) 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions South America Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
200008280004 2000-08-28 Croatia Gospic Former Soldiers/Police 1 0 Military Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200008270001 2000-08-27 Indonesia Unknown Free Aceh Movement (GAM) (suspected) 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Southeast Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200008260002 2000-08-26 India Imphal Militants 0 0 Journalists & Media,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Firearms
200008250002 2000-08-25 Sierra Leone Masiaka West Side Boys 0 0 Military,Military Sub-Saharan Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
200008240005 2000-08-24 Spain Irun Basque Fatherland and Freedom (ETA) (suspected) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200008190003 2000-08-20 Turkey Istanbul Unknown 0 0 Business,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200008200005 2000-08-20 India Imphal Gunmen 1 0 Journalists & Media South Asia Armed Assault Firearms
200008180002 2000-08-18 Russia Achkhoy-Martanovsky (District) Chechen Rebels (suspected) 0 0 Government (General) Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200008150004 2000-08-15 Israel Tel Aviv Jewish Extremists 4 0 Business,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
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