BAAD Global Network
BAAD Global Network
Sorry, but there are no organizational details available for this group at this time.
Primary Ideology
- Ag = Anti-Globalization
- An = Anarchist
- En = Ethnic
- Ev = Environmental
- Le = Leftist
- Re = Religious
- Ri = Rightist
- Se = Separatist
- Su = Supremacist
- Vi = Vigilante
- Ally
- Suspected Ally
- Rival
- Violence
- Mixed Relations
- Blue 0 - 1479 fatalities
- Green 1479 - 2958 fatalities
- Yellow 2958 - 4437 fatalities
- Orange 4437 - 5916 fatalities
- Red 5916 - 7396 fatalities
Lethality is calculated as the total number of fatalities from 1998-2012.
Icon sizes depict approximate relative sizes of the organizations.
- Smallest 0 - 10 members
- 11 - 100 members
- 101 - 1000 members
- 1001 - 10000 members
- Largest > 10000 members
Other Notes
Icons with no color coding or ideology icon have no detailed data at this time, and are provided as relationship information only.