BAAD - Al-Fatah - 2002
Al-Fatah’s name derives from the reversed initials of the Arabic spelling of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement ("Harekat At-Tahrir Al-Wataniyyeh Al-Filastiniyyeth"[1]). Al-Fatah was founded in 1959,[2] and joined the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1968. Under the leadership of Yassar Arafat (from 1969 to 2004), Al-Fatah became the dominant force in the PLO, amassing broad support within Palestinian networks.[3]
Fatah stopped advocating guerrilla warfare in 1993, when Arafat signed the Declaration of Principles (a.k.a. the Oslo Accords), which officially recognized Israel’s right to exist and established the Palestinian National Authority (PA).[4] However, the PA faced significant security challenges (e.g., the Second Intifada, September 2000), after Israel and the PLO failed to reach a final status agreement at Camp David.[5]
Despite such setbacks, Al-Fatah continued to focus on the goal of creating a two-state solution with Israel.[6] Arafat appointed Mahmoud Abbas as Prime Minister of the PA in March 2003, after both the U.S. and Israel refused to work directly with Arafat.[7] Abbas went on to head the PLO after Arafat’s death in November 2004 and was elected president of the PA in January 2005, with Al-Fatah backing.[8]
Failure to establish an independent Palestinian state led to popular discontent,[9] and in the January 2006 elections, Hamas gained control of the Palestinian Legislative Council (the PA's Parliament). When Abbas rejected the results, Hamas battled Al-Fatah in Gaza (June 2007), ousting both Al-Fatah and the PA leadership from the territory.[10] In response, Abbas outlawed Hamas’ armed forces and annulled its seats in the PLC—giving sole rule of the West Bank to Al-Fatah and the PA.[11] The infighting appeared to end in April 2014, when Hamas and Al-Fatah signing a peace treaty to establish a new unity government.[12] View full narrative
Quick Facts for 2002
38 (Total of 1998 through 2012)
Ethnic, Separatist
Approximately tens of thousands
Territorial Control:
Does Not Control Territory (0)
Funding through Drug Trafficking:
Sorry, but there are no organizational details available for this group at this time.
Primary Ideology
- Ag = Anti-Globalization
- An = Anarchist
- En = Ethnic
- Ev = Environmental
- Le = Leftist
- Re = Religious
- Ri = Rightist
- Se = Separatist
- Su = Supremacist
- Vi = Vigilante
- Ally
- Suspected Ally
- Rival
- Violence
- Mixed Relations
- Blue 0 - 1479 fatalities
- Green 1479 - 2958 fatalities
- Yellow 2958 - 4437 fatalities
- Orange 4437 - 5916 fatalities
- Red 5916 - 7396 fatalities
Lethality is calculated as the total number of fatalities from 1998-2012.
Icon sizes depict approximate relative sizes of the organizations.
- Smallest 0 - 10 members
- 11 - 100 members
- 101 - 1000 members
- 1001 - 10000 members
- Largest > 10000 members
Other Notes
Icons with no color coding or ideology icon have no detailed data at this time, and are provided as relationship information only.