Efficacy of Counterterrorism Approaches: Examining Northern Ireland
Laura Dugan, Gary LaFree
Research Brief
Terrorism and Society, Counterterrorism
Western Europe
Predictors of Support for Anti-Western Terrorism
Shira Fishman, Arie Kruglanski
Research Brief
Terrorism and Society, Radical Beliefs and Behavior
Middle East and North Africa
War Versus Justice in Response to Terrorist Attacks
Clark McCauley
Book Chapter
Terrorism and Society, Counterterrorism
Annotated Bibliography for Public Risk Communication on Warnings for Public Protective Actions Response and Public Education
Dennis Mileti, Jeannette Sutton, Linda Bourque, Michele Wood
Risk Communication
North America
Historical Perspective and Future Directions in Research on Psychiatric Consequences of Terrorism and Other Disasters
Betty Pfefferbaum
Book Chapter
Terrorism and Society, Resilience
Community and Ecological Approaches to Understanding and Alleviating Postdisaster Distress
Fran Norris
Book Chapter
North America
A Psychometric Analysis of Project Liberty's Adult Enhanced Services Referral Tool
Fran Norris
Journal Article
North America
Psychological Issues in Understanding Terrorism and the Response to Terrorism
Clark McCauley
Book Chapter
North America
Jujitsu Politics: Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
Clark McCauley
Book Chapter
Police Innovation: Contrasting Perspectives
David Weisburd
Crime and Terrorism
North America
Why Not Kill Them All? The Logic and Prevention of Mass Political Murder
Clark McCauley
Violent Groups and Movements
Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Disasters
Linda Bourque, Michele Wood
Book Chapter
Expressive Responses to News Stories About Extremist Groups: A Framing Experiment
Douglas M. McLeod
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society
Europe's Jihadist Dilemma
Peter Neumann
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society
Eastern Europe, Western Europe
Trauma, Grief, and Depression in Nairobi Children After the 1998 Bombing of the American Embassy
Betty Pfefferbaum, Rose Pfefferbaum
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society, Resilience
Sub-Saharan Africa
Speaking with One Voice: Risk Communication Lessons from the US Anthrax Attacks
Caron Chess
Journal Article
Risk Communication, Chemical and Biological Threats
North America
The Red Pill
Kathleen Tierney
Resilience, Risk Communication
North America
The Geography of Social Vulnerability: Race, Class, and Catastrophe
Susan Cutter
North America
The Application of Social Bookmarking Technology to the National Intelligence Domain
Gary Ackerman
Journal Article
False Alarms, Real Challenges - One University's Communication Response to the 2001 Anthrax Crisis
Caron Chess
Journal Article
Risk Communication, Chemical and Biological Threats
North America
A First Look at Domestic and International Global Terrorism Events, 1970-1997
Gary LaFree, Laura Dugan
Conference Paper
Terrorism and Society
Disaster Research Methods: Past Progress and Future Directions
Fran Norris
Journal Article
Building a Global Terrorism Database
Gary LaFree, Laura Dugan
Violent Groups and Movements
Researching Terrorist Networks
R. Karl Rethemeyer, Victor Asal
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society
A History of Biological Disasters of Animal Origin in North America
Gary Ackerman
Journal Article
Chemical and Biological Threats