A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
Community Resilience for Catastrophic Health Events Monica Schoch-Spana Journal Article Resilience
Religious Fundamentalism among Young Muslims in Egypt and Saudi Arabia Mansoor Moaddel Journal Article Radical Beliefs and Behavior Middle East and North Africa
Gang Membership, Gun Carrying, and Employment: Applying Routine Activities Theory to Explain Violent Victimization Among Inner City, Minority Youth Living in Extreme Poverty Joshua Freilich Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements, Resilience North America
Nonprofit Service Provision by Insurgent Organizations: The Cases of Hizballah and the Tamil Tigers Shawn Flanigan Journal Article Terrorism and Society Middle East and North Africa, South Asia
Longitudinal Linkages Between Perceived Social Support and Psychological Distress: A Test of Sequential Model of Social Causation and Social Selection Fran Norris Journal Article Resilience
A Quantitative Overview of Biological Weapons: Identification, Characterization, and Attribution Gary Ackerman, Victor Asal Book Chapter Chemical and Biological Threats Global
Circles Drawing Toward High Risk Activism: The Use of Usroh and Halaqa in Islamist Radical Movements Douglas M. McLeod Journal Article Terrorism and Society, Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Middle East and North Africa
Citizen Militias Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Book Chapter Violent Groups and Movements North America
The Nature of the Beast: Organizational Structures and the Lethality of Terrorist Attacks R. Karl Rethemeyer, Victor Asal Journal Article Radical Beliefs and Behavior Global
Testimony Before United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Hearing on Nuclear Terrorism: Assessing the Threat to the Homeland Gary Ackerman Congressional Testimony Radiological and Nuclear Threats North America
Stochastic Opponent Modeling Agents: A Case Study with Hezbollah Amy Pate, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Mary Michael Conference Paper Terrorism and Society Middle East and North Africa
Children and Families in the Context of Disasters: Implications for Preparedness and Response Betty Pfefferbaum Journal Article Resilience
Community Resilience as a Metaphor, Theory, Set of Capacities, and Strategy for Disaster Readiness Betty Pfefferbaum, Fran Norris, Rose Pfefferbaum Journal Article Resilience
Prison State: The Challenge of Mass Incarceration Bert Useem Book Crime and Terrorism North America
Correlates of School Disaster Preparedness: Main Effects of Funding and Coordinator Role Linda Bourque Journal Article Resilience North America
Change in Smoking and Drinking After September 11, 2001, in a National Sample of Ever Smokers and Ever Drinkers Betty Pfefferbaum, Rose Pfefferbaum Journal Article Resilience
Temporal and Spatial Changes in Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards Susan Cutter Journal Article Resilience North America
Katrina Survivors Relocated to Oklahoma: A Tale of Two Cities Betty Pfefferbaum Journal Article Resilience North America
The Role of Homeland Security Information Bulletins within Emergency Management Organizations Hamilton Bean, Lisa Keranen Research Brief Risk Communication North America
Threat, Dehumanization, and Support for Aggressive Retaliatory Policies in Asymmetric Conflict Clark McCauley Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Middle East and North Africa
Surveying State Police Agencies about Domestic Terrorism and Far-Right Extremists Steven Chermak, Joshua Freilich Research Brief Terrorism and Society North America
An Experimental Investigation of the Choice of Terror and Support for Taking Action Anthony Lemieux, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Victor Asal Research Brief Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior
Resolving Crises through Automated Bilateral Negotiations Amy Pate, Jonathan Wilkenfeld Journal Article Resilience
P-Flash: Development of an Empirically-based Post-9-11 Disaster Mental Health Training Program Betty Pfefferbaum Journal Article Resilience North America
Do Democracy and Free Markets Protect Us from Terrorism? James A. Piazza Journal Article Terrorism and Society Global