A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
Incendiary Devices in Packages at Maryland Government Buildings Background Report Terrorism and Society North America
Suicide Attack at Moscow Airport Background Report Violent Groups and Movements Western Europe
Friction: How Radicalization Happens to Them and Us Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko Book Individual Behavior, Resilience Eastern Europe, Global, North America
Hamas and Suicide Terrorism: Multi-causal and Multi-level Approaches Rashmi Singh Book Violent Groups and Movements, Counterterrorism Middle East and North Africa
2011 Research review Research Review Terrorism and Society Global
Provider Perspectives on Serving the Needs of Displaced Disaster Survivors Following Hurricane Katrina Betty Pfefferbaum Book Chapter Resilience
’Unholy Alliances’: How Transnational Terrorists and Crime Make Common Cause Ted Robert Gurr Book Chapter Crime and Terrorism
Package Bombs on Cargo Planes Background Report Terrorism and Society
Exploring Community Resilience in Workforce Communities of First Responders Serving Katrina Survivors Betty Pfefferbaum, Fran Norris, Rose Pfefferbaum Journal Article
RCPGP Warning System Integration Research Project Final Report Dennis Mileti, Hamilton Bean START Reports Risk Communication North America
Democratic Pieces: Democratization and the Origins of Terrorism Erica Chenoweth Book Chapter Terrorism and Society Global
Terrorism Studies: A Reader Kurt Braddock Book Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements, Counterterrorism Global
Grievance, Social Dominance Orientation, and Authoritarianism in the Choice and Justification of Terror Versus Protest Anthony Lemieux, Victor Asal Journal Article Terrorism and Society, Individual Behavior North America
Veto Players and Terror Joseph Young, Laura Dugan Journal Article Terrorism and Society Global
Political Islam in the Former Soviet Union: Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan Compared Emmanuel Karagiannis Journal Article Terrorism and Society Central Asia
Surveying American State Police Agencies about Lone Wolves, Far-Right Criminality, and Far-Right and Islamic Jihadist Criminal Collaboration Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Journal Article Crime and Terrorism North America
Serious Emotion Disturbance Among Youth Exposed To Hurricane Katrina Two Years Post-Disaster Betty Pfefferbaum Journal Article North America
Thinking about the Law of Unintended Consequences Rashmi Singh Journal Article Counterterrorism Middle East and North Africa
Death in a Small Package: A Short History of Anthrax Susan Jones Book Chemical and Biological Threats Global
Reactions to the War on Terrorism: Ethnic Group Differences in the 2007 Pew Poll of American Muslims-Final Report Clark McCauley START Reports Terrorism and Society Global, North America
Why the United States is Targeted by Terrorism Martha Crenshaw Conference Paper Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements Global, North America
The Security Dimension of Pakistan's Floods Rashmi Singh Journal Article Terrorism and Society South Asia
Discovery Communications Building Hostage-Taking Background Report Terrorism and Society North America
All Terrorism Is Local: Resources, Nested Institutions, and Governance for Urban Homeland Security in the American Federal System Erica Chenoweth Journal Article Counterterrorism North America
Recent U.S. Thinking about Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Babysteps towards a Dynamic View of Asymmetric Conflict Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko Journal Article Counterterrorism Global, North America