A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
The Empirical Study of Terrorism: Social and Legal Research Gary Ackerman, Gary LaFree Journal Article Terrorism and Society
Profiling the WMD Terrorism Threat Gary Ackerman, Jeffrey Bale Book Chapter Chemical and Biological Threats, Radiological and Nuclear Threats Global
Old and New Terrorism Peter Neumann Book Terrorism and Society
Social Movements and Europeanization Donatella della Porta, Manuela Caiani Book Resilience Eastern Europe, Western Europe
Reforming Counterterrorism: Institutions and Organizational Routines in Britain and France Frank Foley Journal Article Counterterrorism Western Europe
Nuclear Weapons as Shields Victor Asal Journal Article Radiological and Nuclear Threats
Surveying American State Police Agencies About Terrorism Threats, Terrorism Sources, and Terrorism Definitions Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Journal Article Counterterrorism North America
The Softest of Targets: A Study on Terrorist Target Selection R. Karl Rethemeyer, Victor Asal Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements
The Geography of U.S. Terrorist Incidents, 1970-2004 Susan Cutter Journal Article Terrorism and Society North America
Expanding the Public's Role in Health Emergency Policy Ann Norwood, Monica Schoch-Spana Journal Article Resilience North America
When Do Losses Count? Six Fallacies of Natural Hazards Loss Data Susan Cutter Journal Article Resilience
Looking for Resilience: Understanding the Longitudinal Trajectories of Responses to Stress Fran Norris Journal Article Resilience North America
Risk Analysis of Chemical, Biological, or Radionuclear Threats: Implications for Food Security Hamid Mohtadi Journal Article Chemical and Biological Threats, Radiological and Nuclear Threats
Hezbollah's Social Jihad: Nonprofits as Resistance Organizations Shawn Flanigan Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Middle East and North Africa
Islamism and Totalitarianism Jeffrey Bale Journal Article Radical Beliefs and Behavior
What Makes Terrorists Tick Erica Chenoweth Journal Article Radical Beliefs and Behavior
Intimations of Mortality or Production Lines? The Puzzle of "Suicide Terrorism" Martha Crenshaw Journal Article Radical Beliefs and Behavior
Evaluation of a National Effort to Reach Hurricane Katrina Survivors and Evacuees: The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program Fran Norris Journal Article Resilience North America
Factors Predicting Crisis Counselor Referrals to Other Crisis Counseling, Disaster Relief, and Psychological Services: A Cross-site Analysis of Post-Katrina Programs Fran Norris Journal Article Resilience North America
Piloting a New Model of Crisis Counseling: Specialized Crisis Counseling Services in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina Fran Norris Journal Article Resilience North America
Innovations in Disaster Mental Health Services and Evaluation: National, State, and Local Responses to Hurricane Katrina Fran Norris Journal Article Resilience North America
Fully Committed: Suicide Bombers' Motivation and the Quest for Personal Significance Arie Kruglanski, Shira Fishman Journal Article Radical Beliefs and Behavior
Yes, No, and Maybe in the World of Terrorism Research: Reflections on the Commentaries Arie Kruglanski, Shira Fishman Journal Article Terrorism and Society
Cyber Threat posed by North Korea and China to South Korea and US Forces Korea Steve S. Sin, Ph.D. Journal Article Crime and Terrorism East Asia
Strategic Uses of the Internet by Hizbut Tahrir-Indonesia Douglas M. McLeod Book Chapter Counterterrorism Southeast Asia