A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
How Publics’ Active and Passive Communicative Behaviors Affect their Tornado Responses: An Integration of STOPS and SMCC Brooke Liu, Michael Egnoto Journal Article Resilience, Risk Communication North America
Call to Action: Mobilizing Community Discussion to Improve Information-Sharing About Vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems and Critical Infrastructure Rhyner Washburn Conference Paper Risk Communication
Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States—Desistance, Disengagement, and Deradicalization (PIRUS-D3) Michael Jensen, Patrick James Research Brief Deradicalization, Disengagement
Assessing Hospital System Resilience to Disaster Events Involving Physical Damage and Demand Surge Elise Miller-Hooks Journal Article Resilience North America
Measuring Tactical Innovation in Terrorist Attacks Gina Scott Ligon Journal Article Terrorism and Society
Back to the Future: Teaching about the End of the World Steve S. Sin, Ph.D., Victor Asal Journal Article Radiological and Nuclear Threats Global
What Should Program Designers Consider to Successfully Develop and Implement a Public Health Approach to Preventing Violent Extremism? Max Erdemandi, Stevan Weine, William Braniff Research Brief Countering Violent Extremism North America
Measuring and Achieving Equity in Multiperiod Emergency Material Allocation Vicki Bier Journal Article Resilience
How Can a Public Health Framework Be Applied to Preventing Violent Extremism? Max Erdemandi, Stevan Weine, William Braniff Research Brief Countering Violent Extremism
The Effect of Interventions on Functional Impairment in Youth Exposed to Mass Trauma: A Meta-Analysis Betty Pfefferbaum Journal Article Terrorism and Society
Risk and Crisis Communication in Schools: Understanding Current Challenges and Opportunities Brooke Liu, Holly Roberts, Michael Egnoto, Tyler Page Book Chapter Risk Communication North America
The Handbook of Communication and Security Hamilton Bean Book Terrorism and Society
Friends in High Places: State Support for Violent and Non-violent Ethnopolitical Organizations Victor Asal Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Middle East and North Africa
What Does a Community-Based Organization Need to Successfully Implement a Public Health Approach to Preventing Violent Extremism? Max Erdemandi, Stevan Weine, William Braniff Research Brief Countering Violent Extremism
Dynamic Ad Hoc Social Networks in Improvised Intelligence/Counter-Intelligence Exercises: A Department of Homeland Security Red-Team Blue-Team Live-Action Roleplay Nina Fefferman Journal Article
Using Google and Twitter to Measure, Validate and Understand Views about Religion across Africa Amy Adamczyk, Gary LaFree Journal Article Individual Behavior Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
A Case Study of Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events, and Risk Communication in a Coastal Community Elizabet Petrun Sayers Book Chapter Risk Communication
Examining Extrajudicial Killings: Discriminant Analyses of Human Rights’ Violations Victor Asal Journal Article
Caravan of Martyrs: Sacrifice and Suicide Bombing in Afghanistan, by David B. Edwards Mohammed Hafez Book Review Terrorism and Society
The Diffusion and Permeability of Political Violence in North and West Africa Christian Leuprecht Journal Article Terrorism and Society Middle East and North Africa
The Rise and Fall of Terrorism Erin Miller Book Chapter Violent Groups and Movements
Fragile States John Stevenson Report
The Evolution of Terrorism Event Databases Gary LaFree Book Chapter Terrorism and Society
Constructing the Field of Terrorism Martha Crenshaw Book Chapter Terrorism and Society
Organizational and Institutional Approaches: Social Movement Studies Perspectives on Political Violence Donatella della Porta Book Chapter Terrorism and Society