Alliance Hubs: Focal Points in the International Terrorist Landscape
Journal Article
Violent Groups and Movements
The Quest for Significance Model of Radicalization: Implications for the Management of Terrorist Detainees
Arie Kruglanski
Journal Article
Radical Beliefs and Behavior, Deradicalization
North America
The nexus between terrorism and product counterfeiting in the United States
Brandon A. Sullivan, Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society
State Capacity and Terrorism: A Two-Dimensional Approach
Joseph Young
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society
Project Fact Sheet: Terrorism and Extremist Violence in the U.S. Database and Portal
Gary LaFree, William Braniff
Project Fact Sheet
Terrorism and Society
North America
County-level Correlates of Terrorism in the United States, 1990-2010
Gary LaFree
Research Brief
Terrorism and Society
North America
Boko Haram Recent Attacks
Amy Pate, Erin Miller, Michael Jensen
Background Report
Violent Groups and Movements
Sub-Saharan Africa
Seriously Not All Right: Five Wars in Ten Years
Ron Capps
Country Reports on Terrorism 2013: Annex of Statistical Information
Erin Miller, Gary LaFree
START Reports
Terrorism and Society
Terrorist Suspect Religious Identity and Public Support for Harsh Interrrogation and Detention Practices
James A. Piazza
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society
North America
Ideological Victimization: Homicides Perpetrated by Far-Right Extremists
Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak, William Parkin
Journal Article
Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior
North America
Global Trends in Terrorism, 1970- 2011
Gary LaFree, Laura Dugan
Book Chapter
Countering Violent Extremism
Lying About Terrorism
Joseph Young
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society, Radical Beliefs and Behavior
Universal Preventive Interventions for Children in the Context of Disasters and Terrorism
Betty Pfefferbaum
Journal Article
Resilience, Risk Communication
Peace and Conflict 2014
Jonathan Wilkenfeld
Countering Violent Extremism
The Perils of Simultaneous COIN and Counternarcotics in Peru and Colombia
Barnett S. Koven
Journal Article
Crime and Terrorism
South America
How Women Engage Homegrown Terrorism
Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society, Individual Behavior, Crime and Terrorism
Modalities of National Sovereignty: Territorial Nationalism versus Islamic Fundamentalism in Muslim-Majority Countries
Mansoor Moaddel
Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements
U.S. Attitudes toward Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Reporting Terrorism-related Activity
Amy Adamczyk, Gary LaFree, Roger Tourangeau, Stanley Presser
Research Brief
Counterterrorism, Countering Violent Extremism
North America
Configuring Legitmacy: A Framework fo Legitimation in Armed Conflict
Victor Asal
Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements, Individual Behavior
Foreign Aid as a Signal to Investors: Predicting FDI in Post-Conflict Countries
Brian Phillips
Journal Article
Anatomizing Chemical and Biological Non-State Adversaries
Gary Ackerman, Markus Binder
Research Brief
Violent Groups and Movements, Chemical and Biological Threats
One Cheer for Classical Realism, or Toward a Power Politics of Religion
Book Chapter
Terrorism and Society
Policing terrorism and police–community relations: views of the Arab minority in Israel
David Weisburd
Journal Article
Terrorism and Society
Middle East and North Africa
Suicide Bombers – Martyrs, Heroes or Victims?
Rashmi Singh
Book Chapter
Terrorism and Society
Middle East and North Africa