A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism


Publication Title Sort ascending Publication Date Sort ascending START Authors Type Sort ascending Research Areas Regions
Unconventional Weapons and Technology (UWT) Research Division Project Fact Sheet Chemical and Biological Threats, Radiological and Nuclear Threats Global
American Deaths in Terrorist Attacks, 1995 - 2017 Erin Miller, Michael Jensen Project Fact Sheet Terrorism and Society North America
Invisible Empire of Hate: Gender Differences in the Ku Klux Klan's Online Justifications for Violence Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak Journal Article Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements, Individual Behavior North America
Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire Our World Michele Gelfand Book Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements, Individual Behavior Global
Military Counterterrorism Measures, Civil-Military Relations and Democracy: The Cases of Turkey and the US Nil Satana Journal Article Counterterrorism Middle East and North Africa, North America
Preventing Mass Atrocities: Policies and Practices Ted Robert Gurr Book Violent Groups and Movements Global
A Situated Comparison of Suicide and Non-Suicide Terrorist Plots and Homicides in the United States, 1990-2014 Jeff Gruenewald, Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak, William Parkin Journal Article Terrorism and Society North America
Carrots, Sticks, and Insurgent Targeting of Civilians Brian Phillips, Joseph Young, R. Karl Rethemeyer, Victor Asal Journal Article Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements, Counterterrorism Global
Postmemory and the Geographies of Violence at Kraing Ta Chan, Cambodia Samuel D. Henkin Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Southeast Asia
Retweeting Risk Communication: The Role of Threat and Efficacy Jeannette Sutton Journal Article Resilience, Risk Communication North America
Democratic Skepticism and Support for Terrorism in the Palestinian Territories James A. Piazza Journal Article Terrorism and Society, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Middle East and North Africa
Global Terrorism in 2017 Erin Miller Background Report Terrorism and Society, Violent Groups and Movements Global
Treatment Approaches for Terrorists and Extremists Kurt Braddock Book Chapter Terrorism and Society, Counterterrorism Global
Heat Map: Global Terrorism Database, Terrorist Attacks 2017, Concentation and Intensity Map Terrorism and Society Global
Religious Fundamentalism in Eight Muslim‐Majority Countries: Reconceptualization and Assessment Mansoor Moaddel Journal Article Individual Behavior, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Middle East and North Africa
Clustering Heterogeneous Semi-structured Social Science Datasets for Security Applications Christian Leuprecht Book Chapter Violent Groups and Movements Global
Potential for radicalization amongst Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon: Risks, factors, and implications Arie Kruglanski START Reports Deradicalization Global
How Human Boundaries Become State Borders: Radical Flanks and Territorial Control in the Modern Era Peter Krause Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements, Radical Beliefs and Behavior Middle East and North Africa
The Use of Social Media by United States Extremists Aaron Safer-Lichtenstein, Gary LaFree, Michael Jensen, Patrick James Research Brief Radical Beliefs and Behavior North America
Social Norms after Conflict Exposure and Victimization by Violence: Experimental Evidence from Kosovo Vera Mironova Journal Article Terrorism and Society Eastern Europe
Integrating Conflict Event Data David E. Cunningham Journal Article Violent Groups and Movements Global
Insurgencies as Networks of Event Orderings Ronald Breiger Journal Article Radical Beliefs and Behavior Global
Improving Strategic Assessment in the Executive Branch: Lessons from the Scholarly Literature Risa Brooks Book Chapter Counterterrorism North America
Keeping Hospitals Operating During Disasters Through Crisis Communication Preparedness Brooke Liu, Emina Herovic, Holly Roberts Journal Article Resilience North America
Explaining Homegrown Western Jihadists: The Importance of Western Foreign Policy Clark McCauley Journal Article Radical Beliefs and Behavior North America, Western Europe