A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

The War Within: A Look Inside al-Qaeda's Undoing


Dr. Jarret Brachman's The War Within: A Look Inside al-Qaeda's Undoing delves into al-Qaeda's crumbling global movement and its internal struggles, including its attempts to remain relevant. While at one time not a day would go by without al-Qaeda being mentioned in the news, media coverage is now much  more focused on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which has dominated al-Qaeda in terms of strategic messaging, recruiting, funding, and more.

Publication Information

Full Citation:

Brachman, Jarret. 2016. The War Within: A Look Inside al-Qaeda's Undoing. MacDill Air Force Base, Florida: Joint Special Operations University Press. http://jsou.socom.mil/JSOU%20Publications/JSOU%20Report%2016-3.pdf

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