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Improving Strategic Assessment in the Executive Branch: Lessons from the Scholarly Literature


In an era in which the United States faces a dizzying array of security challenges in the international arena, political leaders’ abilities to engage in effective strategic assessment is vital. Less clear is how well prepared are the institutions and individuals central to national security affairs for this formidable task. In Washington, complaints abound about the size and roles of the NSC, dysfunction in the “interagency,” and the overall agility and responsiveness of the national security establishment. The particulars vary across administrations, but it often seems that regardless of who is in office, no one is fully satisfied with how major strategic and foreign policy decisions are made.

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Full Citation:

Brooks, Risa A. 2018. "Improving Strategic Assessment in the Executive Branch: Lessons from the Scholarly Literature." In US National Security Reform: Reassessing the National Security Act of 1947, eds. Heidi B. Demarest and Erica D. Borghard. London: Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781351171557/chapters/10.4324%2F9781351171564-11

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