A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Community Resilience


Disaster managers embrace the concept of community resilience, sometimes as a strategy and sometimes as a vision. Community resilience both requires and supports effective disaster management. To promote community resilience and to improve its application in disaster medicine, this chapter explores the concept, then describes principles for building community resilience and currently available resources and programs, and finally offers recommendations for future research.

Publication Information

Full Citation:

Pfefferbaum, Rose L., Richard Reed, and Betty Pfefferbaum. 2016. "Community Resilience." In Koenig and Schultz's Disaster Medicine: Comprehensive Principles and Practices, eds. Kristi L. Koenig and Carl H. Schultz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 71-80. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=zffUCwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA71&dq=%E2%80%9Cnational+consortium%E2%80%9D+terrorism&ots=Og8JWYEPI7&sig=4pQOk_eQRdYiDBaIUOcz_HncroU#v=onepage&q=%E2%80%9Cnational%20consortium%E2%80%9D%20terrorism&f=false

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