Dr. Nathan Meehan is the Director of Research and Development at Second Sight Training Systems. At Second Sight, he supports a variety of research projects and develops and delivers training to law enforcement military and security personnel. From 2011 – 2017 he was a Social Scientist at the United States Naval Research Laboratory’s (NRL) Adversarial Modeling Exploitation Office. At the NRL, he successfully managed a variety of short- and long-term projects for the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security on topics ranging from crime analysis to the development of web-based research platforms for visual search. He earned his Ph.D. at the School of Criminal Justice at the State University of New York Albany. Dr. Meehan is also a Certified Law Enforcement Analyst and worked as the Lead Crime and Intelligence Analyst. As an analyst, he also assisted on an FBI Operation Safe Streets (OSS) Taskforce targeting violent gang members.
State University of New York at Albany, Ph.D., Criminal Justice, 2009
- Director of Research & Development | Second Sight Training Systems, LLC | May 2017-Present
- Social Scientist | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Adversarial, Modeling, and Exploitation (AMX) Office | December 2011-May 2017
- Social Scientist | Exelis Inc./Harris Corp | April 2011-December 2011
- Lead Crime Analyst | Schenectady Police Department | July 2006-April 2011
Manuscripts in Progress
- Kelly, C. E., Meehan, N., McClary, M., & Jenaway, E. Just a Normal Conversation: Investigative Interviewing in a County Jail. Revise and resubmit at Criminal Justice and Behavior.
- Meehan, N. Strange, C., and Garinther A. (2020). It’s the walk, not the talk: Behavioral indicators of concealed and unholstered firearms carrying. The Police Journal. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0032258X20960777
- Oolman, M., Parker, M., Meehan, N., and Garinther, A. (2019). Identifying Drug Couriers in Airports. Journal of Airport Management.
- Meehan, N., Kelly, C. E., & McClary, M. (2018). The Snitching Hour: Investigations and Interviews in a County Jail. The Security Journal. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41284-018-0157-y.
- Meehan, N. (2018). Threat Assessment Training for Peacekeepers: A Proven Business Approach. Small Wars Journal. Available at http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/threat-assessment-training-peacekeepers-proven-business-approach.
- Meehan, N., McClary, M., and Garinther, A. (2018). Behavioral Indicators of Drug Carrying in Open Spaces . International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X18791954.
- Meehan, N., McClary, M., and C. Strange. (2015). Behavioral Indicators of Drug Couriers in Airports. Memorandum Report - NRL/MN/5508--15-9595. United States Naval Research Laboratory.
- Meehan, N. and McClary, M.(2015). Behavioral Indicators of Drug Carriers in Open Spaces. Memorandum Report - NRL/MN/5508--15-9596. United States Naval Research Laboratory.
- Meehan, N. and C. Strange. (2015). Behavioral Indicators of Legal and Illegal Gun Carrying. Memorandum Report - NRL/MN/5508--15-9597. United States Naval Research Laboratory.
- Meehan, N., C. Strange, and M. McClary. (2015). Behavioral Indicators During a Police Interdiction. Memorandum Report - NRL/MN/5508--15-9598. United States Naval Research Laboratory.
- Masuku, T and Meehan, N. (2010). HIV & AIDS Workplace Policy: Lesotho Mounted Police Services. Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation.
- Meehan, N. (2010). Crime and Punishment in Niger. In Crime and Punishment in Africa (ED.) Mahesh K. Nalla, New Haven: Greenwood.
- Meehan, N. (2010). Crime and Punishment in Botswana. In Crime and Punishment in Africa (ED.) Mahesh K. Nalla, New Haven: Greenwood.
- Meehan, N. (2010). Crime and Punishment in Somalia. In Crime and Punishment in Africa (ED.) Mahesh K. Nalla, New Haven: Greenwood.
- Meehan, N. (2009). Institutional Human Rights Non-compliance in Europe. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. Volume: 33.