Former Investigator
Assaf Moghadam
Lead Investigator on START Research Projects
Selected Publications
Mapping Today's Jihadi Landscape and Threat
(Journal Article)
Suicide Terrorism
(Book Chapter)
Marriage of Convenience: The Evolution of Iran and al-Qa'ida's Tactical Cooperation
(Journal Article)
Bruce Hoffman and Fernando Reinares (Eds.): The Evolution of the Global Terrorist Threat: From 9/11 to Osama bin Laden's Death
(Book Review)
Say Terrorist, Think Insurgent: Labeling and Analyzing Contemporary Terrorist Actors
(Journal Article)
Towards Global Jihadism: Al-Qaeda's Strategic, Ideological and Structural Adaptations since 9/11
(Journal Article)
Al Qaeda's Post-9/11 Evolution: An Assessment
(Book Chapter)