Students have the chance to study how terrorism impacts Australia and the Pacific Rim through a study abroad offered by START in Sydney, Australia this winter. From Jan. 4 through 18, the three-credit course (offered at both the graduate and undergraduate levels) will explore the varied ways in which other governments and international organizations conceptualize and approach the problem of preventing, deterring and mitigating the effects of terrorism.
An information session will be held 12 to 1 p.m. Monday, Oct. 1 in Symons Hall Rm. 3307.
START researcher David Maimon, assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice, will lead the program, alongside a series of lectures by speakers from Macquarie University's Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism. Through lectures, discussions and field trips, the course will examine "hard" versus "soft" power approaches and offensive versus defensive approaches to counterterrorism in Australia, Asia and the Pacific Rim. The study abroad will also allow students to visit a range of cultural institutions and participate in outdoor activities unique to Australia, such as surfing the Tasman Sea, climbing the cliffs of Bondi Beach and hopping with kangaroos.