A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

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START Newsletter: Terrorism and Russia, Olympics; US attacks; Individual radicalization; New website


Background Report: Terrorism and the Olympics: Sochi 2014

In anticipation of the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, START has compiled this background report detailing patterns of terrorist activity in Russia between 1992 and 2012, in particular trends over time, geography, perpetrators, tactics and targets. It also analyze terrorist attacks during the Olympic Games in the host country, attacks indirectly related to the Olympic Games and attacks targeting other major sporting events. Read more.

Terrorist Attacks in the US between 1970 and 2012
A new START Research Highlight analyzes the more than 2,600 terrorist attacks that took place in the United States from 1970 through 2012. Those attacks have resulted in more than 3,500 fatalities; 86 percent of those deaths occurring in the coordinated attacks on September 11, 2001. Read more.
Preliminary findings on Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the US
A new research brief and fact sheet detail preliminary findings from START’s Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS) project, with information on three waves of radicalization that occurred since World War II, risk factors for radicalization and characteristics, conditions and events associated with radicalization. Read more.


Building quality into everything we do
In this editorial piece, START Director Gary LaFree reflects on the results of START’s ongoing efforts to maintain the highest standards in all of the research, education and policy initiatives that START pursues. Read more.

An Army of One: Assessing CBRN Pursuit and Use by Lone Wolves and Autonomous Cells
Terrorism and Political Violence
Ackerman, Gary, and Lauren E. Pinson

Simultaneous Attacks by Terrorist Organisations
Perspectives on Terrorism
Deloughery, Kathleen
Transnational Islamist Networks: Western Fighters in Afghanistan, Somalia and Syria
The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs
Karagiannis, Emmanuel
Terror's Epistemic Consequences
Handbook of Experimental Psychology
Kruglanski, Arie W., and Mark Deschesne
Toward a Profile of Lone Wolf Terrorists: What Moves an Individual from Radical Opinion to Radical Action
Terrorism and Political Violence
McCauley, Clark, and Sophia Moskalenko
Policing terrorism and police–community relations: views of the Arab minority in Israel
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal
Weisburd, David, and Badi Hasisi
Trends in Israeli policing: terrorism, community, victimization and crime control
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal
Weisburd, David, and Badi Hasisi, Tal Jonathan-Zamir

Access to research, data and expertise made easy on new START website
Earlier this week, START launched its new website. In addition to improvements in aesthetics and design, the website now makes it easier to navigate to the research, data and expertise users seek. Read more.
More than 12,000 sign up to take START’s free online course thus far
More than 12,000 people from all over the world started coursework this week through START’s “Understanding Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat.” The last day to register is Feb. 7. The course explores questions relating to the who, what and how of terrorism studies by introducing students to cutting edge research and the experts investigating these topics. Read more and register.
Information Sessions: START Global Terrorism Minor
Students from all University of Maryland colleges and majors are invited to attend START’s Global Terrorism Minor information sessions on Jan. 31 and Feb. 2. The minor program explores the origins and motivations of terrorism while offering students the opportunity to learn strategies for preventing, deterring, mitigating and responding to terrorist threats. Read more.
START adds third course to summer line-up
START is offering three fully online summer courses on niche areas of terrorism studies: terrorist finance; hostage taking and assassination; and oral communication for national security. Read more.

**Career Opportunity: General Associate for START’s Global Terrorism Database.** Apply by Feb. 7.**
Institute for Economics & Peace seeks U.S. executive director. Apply now.
DHS seeking private sector intel analysts. Apply by Jan. 31.
START’s Global Terrorism Minor Program. Apply by Feb. 21.
Best PhD Thesis in the Field of (Counter-) Terrorism Studies Annual Award by the Terrorism Research Initiative. Submit by March 31.
Nominate a peer-reviewed article that makes an outstanding contribution. Submit by May 15.

2014 Homeland Security Job and Internship Search Webinar. 2 p.m. Feb. 5.
Defense Threat Reduction Agency Webinar on research, grant and employment information. Feb. 6.
First Responder Technology Demonstration. Feb. 11.

CBS Newsradio: Sochi security
START Executive Director William Braniff recently spoke with CBS Newsradio about the threat of terrorism occurring at the upcoming Olympics in Sochi, Russia. (The interview begins about 1:18.) Listen.
Washington Post: 40 more maps that explain the world
The Washington Post created a list of "40 more maps that explain the world" and included START's map of the 2012 GTD data. Read more.
CNN: New terror weapon – little girls?
START investigator John Horgan co-wrote an op-ed for CNN.com about terrorist organizations' disturbing recruitment of children for attacks, including suicide bombing. Read and watch more.
The Guardian: Russian terrorist attacks since 1991 - what's changed?
In light of recent bombings in Russia, The Guardian used the GTD to analyze trends of terrorist attacks within the country over several decades and within the past several years. The article discusses changing tactics, casualties, and incident locations. Read more.
National Journal: Brunt of Global Terrorist Attacks Born By Three Countries
The National Journal's Global Security Newswire discussed findings from START’S 2012 GTD data that indicate the majority of terrorist attacks in 2012 were concentrated in just three countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. Read more.
Political Violence @ a Glance: How the Replication Debate Applies to Terrorism Studies
START Researchers Peter Henne and Patrick James authored this blog post discussing how scholars of terrorism — and political violence more broadly — should be as anxious and troubled by questions of replicability as biologists and physicists. Read more.

This is a selection of news clips from the past month.
A complete list of START’s media coverage can be found here


Help Support START Research and Education
The START Consortium is dedicated to generating knowledge of the human causes and consequences of terrorism. Applying rigorous standards to both research and education, START seeks to illuminate one of the most highly politicized and understudied phenomena in the social sciences for students, practitioners and policy-makers. Funded primarily through research grants to date, START is seeking to generate an endowment that will provide the flexibility and autonomy to ensure that it can continue to serve as an objective source of data and empirically based analysis into the future. More information on supporting START research and education through donations can be found here.