On March 27th, Under Secretary Tara Sonenshine gave her remarks regarding "Public Diplomacy and Countering Violent Extremism" in the Stamp Student Union's Atrium. Her remarks gained both local and national media attention. Jim Bach writes in The Diamondback, the University of Maryland's student newspaper, about Under Secretary Tara Sonenshine's warnings on online terrorism during an event hosted by START. Read the full article from The Diamondback. Zach Rausnitz reports in Sonenshine: Public diplomacy has to look beyond drone strikes, news cycle, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Tara Sonenshine's visit and talk at the University of Maryland on the challenges of public diplomacy in countries subjected to drone strikes. Read the full article from FierceHomelandSecurity.
Carla Babb, Voice of America, writes about the U.S. State Department's implementation of video games to engage younger audiences. Read the full article from the Voice of America.
The Jamaica Observer discusses Under Secretary Sonenshine's desire to "seek out virtual spaces where 'Al-Qaeda and its supports lurk'." Read the full article from The Jamaica Observer.