START and ICONS Researchers were among a multidisciplinary group of experts chosen by the Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) office to examine the Asia-Pacific region over the next two decades and assess future political, security, societal and economic trends; identify where U.S. strategic interests are in cooperation or conflict with Chinese and other interests worldwide, and in particular, to the East China Sea; and leverage opportunities when dealing with China in a "global context."
A new white paper based on those efforts, “Drivers of Conflict and Convergence in the Asia-Pacific Region in the Next 5-25 Years,” addresses two key concerns:
1) How should United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) planners envisage the threats and opportunities represented by the Asian environment over the next 5, 10 or 25 years?
2) What are the key components of a regional engagement policy centered on China that empowers US partners and allied interests to foster multi-lateral defense of strategic stability in USPACOM’s area of responsibility?
The white paper can be found on NSI’s website at