Thousands of researchers, analysts, policy-makers and students use the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) every day. In an effort to better understand the strengths and limitations of the GTD in practice, START would like to learn more about how the GTD informs your work. While we always welcome feedback on the database from users, we now invite you to let us know more about your responsibilities and how the GTD has been helpful to your efforts to better understand the causes and consequences of terrorism.
- Do you visit the GTD website to research particular events?
- Have you downloaded the full dataset to conduct your own analysis for a formal report?
- Do GTD background reports on current events provide informative context that has practical implications for your role in the homeland security enterprise?
- Have START researchers provided analysis of the GTD that lends empirical support to policy?
Please visit the GTD Contact Page and select "How I use the GTD" from the Action menu to share some details about how the GTD has worked for you. We encourage you to include your name, title, and institution/agency, so we can better understand the community we are serving. We will not share this information without your permission.