In this first edition of our Instructor Spotlight, we feature Dr. Thomas Guarrieri, who has dedicated his career to advancing research and education in terrorism studies, shaping the next generation of scholars and practitioners while contributing to a deeper understanding of global security issues. In this interview, we learn about his experiences, insights, and the impact of his work in the field.
What is your current position?
My current positions are Associate Research Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies for UMD’s Global Terrorism Studies Minor program, and Director of Graduate Studies for the Master of Professional Studies in Security and Terrorism Studies and START Graduate Certificate programs.
How did you become interested in your field of study?
Even though I’m teaching full time at UMD and directing the undergraduate and graduate programs, I’m still conducting research with colleagues on topics related to terrorist behaviors, CBRN terrorism, radicalization, and counterinsurgency and counterterrorism strategies. When I first joined START as a researcher, I was fortunate to be involved in many projects related to these topics, and that inspired me to continue to research these.
What academic accomplishment are you most proud of?
Seeing my current and former interns and students publish their own research articles. I have co-authored several peer-reviewed articles with former research assistants, and helping students get their own research published is one of my favorite parts of my job.
What or who has been most influential in shaping your career?
When I was in graduate school, I took a seminar on terrorism and political violence that inspired me to study these subjects. I also became very interested in statistical computing and quantitative analysis, which led me to apply these methods to terrorism studies. I also have a number of people in my family who serve, or have served, in national security or counterterrorism roles for the U.S., and this has inspired me to contribute to counterterrorism efforts.
What was your first course and when did you first start teaching?
The first course I taught was an introductory international relations course when I was a graduate student at the University of Missouri.
What is your favorite part of teaching?
Seeing my students accomplish their goals and have success in their careers after graduating. Many students who have earned the Global Terrorism Studies Minor, the MPS, or one of our graduate certificates have entered important jobs in government agencies, think tanks, NGOs, and other universities. It’s great to see students achieve the goals they set for themselves.
What is your best piece of career advice?
Don’t count yourself out of a position just because you don’t think you are good enough.
Outside of work, what do you do for fun?
I play music, go to concerts, play sports, and enjoy movie nights with my wife Danielle and our cat Jovie.