A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Congressman Anthony Brown visits START

On Aug. 7, Congressman Anthony Brown visited START and spoke with students and researchers about how the center supports the mission of the Department of Defense and supports educational opportunities for the next generation of national security practitioners.

(1)	GTD Intern Laura Eid briefs Congressman Brown and START Director William Braniff
GTD Intern Laura Eid briefs Congressman Brown and START Director William Braniff on her work geocoding incidents for the Global Terrorism Database.
Congressman Brown speaks with UWT Intern Jackson Malmgren, who was working on a project coding trafficking routes and smuggling activities of transnational criminal organizations.
Congressman Brown speaks with UWT Intern Jackson Malmgren, who was working on a project coding trafficking routes and smuggling activities of transnational criminal organizations.
Congressman Brown speaks with UWT Intern Jackson Malmgren
Congressman Brown asks PIRUS Research Assistant Amy Iandiorio  what she finds interesting about the most recent data she is coding about individual radicalization in the United States.

