A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Global Terrorism Database (GTD)




Selected Publications

Trends and Characteristics of Terrorist Attacks Against Nightclub Venues Over 5 Decades  (Journal Article)

Global Terrorism Database: Real-time Data Collection Pilot Evaluation  (START Reports)

Anti-Muslim Terrorism in the United States  (Research Brief)

Taxonomy Expansion and the Global Terrorism Database: Effectively Leveraging Academic Data Collection Initiatives  (Report)

American Deaths in Terrorist Attacks, 1995-2019  (Research Brief)

Global Terrorism Overview: Terrorism in 2019  (Background Report)

Fact Sheet: Global Terrorism in 2018  (Fact Sheet)

Global Terrorism in 2018  (Background Report)

Terrorist Attacks against Religious Targets in the United States, 1970 – 2017  (Project Fact Sheet)

Terrorist Attacks Involving Package Bombs, 1970 — 2017  (Fact Sheet)

American Deaths in Terrorist Attacks, 1995 - 2017  (Project Fact Sheet)

Global Terrorism in 2017  (Background Report)

45 Years of Terrorism: Terrorist Attacks 1970-2015, Concentration and Intensity  (Map)

Heat Map: Global Terrorism Database, Terrorist Attacks 2012, Concentation and Intensity  (Map)

Heat Map: Global Terrorism Database, Terrorist Attacks 2013, Concentation and Intensity  (Map)

Heat Map: Global Terrorism Database, Terrorist Attacks 2014, Concentation and Intensity  (Map)

Heat Map: Global Terrorism Database, Terrorist Attacks 2015, Concentation and Intensity  (Map)

Heat Map: Global Terrorism Database, Terrorist Attacks 2016, Concentation and Intensity  (Map)

Heat Map: Global Terrorism Database, Terrorist Attacks 2017, Concentation and Intensity  (Map)

American Deaths in Terrorist Attacks, 1995-2016  (Research Brief)

Ideological Motivations of Terrorism in the United States, 1970-2016  (Background Report)

Overview: Terrorism in 2016  (Background Report)

Mass Casualty Explosives Attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan  (Background Report)

American Deaths in Terrorist Attacks, 1995-2015  (Fact Sheet)

Patterns of Terrorism in the United States, 1970-2014  (START Reports)

Terrorist Attacks Targeting Critical Infrastructure in the United States, 1970-2015  (START Reports)

Patterns of Islamic State-Related Terrorism, 2002--2015  (Background Report)

Patterns of Terrorism in the United States, 1970-2013  (START Reports)

Terrorism in Mali  (Fact Sheet)

Mass-Fatality, Coordinated Attacks Worldwide, and Terrorism in France  (Background Report)

American Deaths in Terrorist Attacks  (Fact Sheet)

Overview: Terrorism in 2014  (Background Report)

Use of Firearms in Terrorist Attacks in the United States 1970-2014  (Background Report)

Terrorism Trends with a Focus on Energy and Mining  (Research Brief)

What is the State of Islamic Extremism: Key Trends, Challenges and Implications for U.S. Policy  (Congressional Testimony)

Putting Terrorism in Context: Lessons from the Global Terrorism Database (Contemporary Terrorism Studies)  (Book)

Boko Haram Recent Attacks  (Background Report)

Survival of the Fittest: Why Terrorist Groups Endure  (Journal Article)

Country Reports on Terrorism 2013: Annex of Statistical Information  (START Reports)

Simultaneous Attacks by Terrorist Organisations  (Journal Article)

The State of Al-Qaeda its Affiliates, and Associated Groups: Views from Outside Experts  (Congressional Testimony)

Terrorism and the Olympics: Sochi, Russia 2014  (Background Report)

Al-Shabaab Attack on Westgate Mall in Kenya  (Background Report)

Armed Assault at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)  (Fact Sheet)

Discussion Point: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Methodological Advancements in Data Collection and Coding: Insights from the Global Terrorism Database (GTD)  (Discussion Point)

On the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing  (Background Report)

Discovery Communications Building Hostage-Taking  (Background Report)

Suicide Attack at Moscow Airport  (Background Report)

Terrorist Attacks in New York City  (Background Report)

Suicide Attack on Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan  (Background Report)

Incendiary Devices in Packages at Maryland Government Buildings  (Background Report)

August 2013 Security Threat to Americans Abroad  (Background Report)

A First Look at Domestic and International Global Terrorism Events, 1970-1997  (Conference Paper)

The Interplay between Terrorism, Nonstate Actors, and Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Exploration of the Pinkerton Database  (Journal Article)

Identifying Cross-National Global Terrorist Hot Spots  (Book Chapter)

Introducing the Global Terrorism Database  (Journal Article)

Research on Terrorism and Countering Terrorism  (Book Chapter)

Terrorism  (Book Chapter)

The Geography of U.S. Terrorist Incidents, 1970-2004  (Journal Article)

Tracking Global Terrorism, 1970-2004  (Book Chapter)

Cross-National Patterns of Terrorism: Comparing Trajectories for Total, Attributed and Fatal Attacks, 1970-2006  (Journal Article)

Building a Global Terrorism Database  (Report)