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Search Terms: (islamic state)

201801180013 2018-01-17 Iraq Kahrizah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Religious Figures/Institutions Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms
201801180009 2018-01-18 Iraq Shirqat Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Military,Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801180005 2018-01-18 Pakistan Quetta Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 2 0 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Armed Assault Firearms
201801170047 2018-01-17 Iraq Tarmiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 3 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801170042 2018-01-17 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid Sinai Province of the Islamic State 1 4 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801170026 2018-01-17 Iraq Al-Safedj Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
201801170025 2018-01-17 Iraq Mosul Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801170024 2018-01-17 Iraq Tal Afar Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801170016 2018-01-15 Libya Jaghbub Barqa Province of the Islamic State (suspected),Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) 6 Unknown Military Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
201801170008 2018-01-17 Niger Toummour Boko Haram 5 17 Military Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Firearms,Incendiary
201801170007 2018-01-17 Iraq Jalawla Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 7 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801170002 2018-01-17 Iraq Mosul Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 2 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801170001 2018-01-17 Iraq Baqubah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 1 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201801160030 2018-01-15 Libya Tripoli Bashir al-Baqarah militia 20 69 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201801150019 2018-01-15 Iraq Tall Safouk Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801150018 2018-01-15 Iraq Ayn al-Jahesh Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201801150004 2018-01-15 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 20 50 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801150003 2018-01-15 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 20 51 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801130029 2018-01-13 Egypt Arish Sinai Province of the Islamic State (suspected) 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201801130003 2018-01-13 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 11 10 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801120020 2018-01-12 Iraq Hawijah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801120019 2018-01-12 Iraq Hawijah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 1 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms,Melee
201801110010 2018-01-11 Mali Menaka district Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS),Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) 1 3 Military Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801110009 2018-01-14 Lebanon Sidon Unknown 0 1 Violent Political Party Middle East & North Africa Assassination Explosives
201801110003 2018-01-11 Libya Abu Qurayn Tripoli Province of the Islamic State 0 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801100034 2018-01-10 Iraq Adhaim Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801100022 2018-01-10 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801100020 2018-01-10 Iraq Kanus Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 6 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801100019 2018-01-10 Iraq Imam Gharbi Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 6 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801100009 2018-01-10 Libya Unknown Tripoli Province of the Islamic State 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Facility/Infrastructure Attack Firearms
201801090037 2018-01-09 Libya Tripoli Tripoli Province of the Islamic State 0 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801070019 2018-01-07 Afghanistan Ghani Khel Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 3 0 Unknown South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801070017 2018-01-07 Afghanistan Chawkay district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 8 16 Police,Terrorists/Non-state Militia South Asia Armed Assault Firearms
201801070016 2018-01-07 Afghanistan Chawkay district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 10 16 Police,Terrorists/Non-state Militia South Asia Armed Assault Firearms
201801070006 2018-01-07 Iraq Tall Safouk Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 8 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801070003 2018-01-07 Iraq Al-Basateen Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 1 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801070002 2018-01-07 Iraq Shirqat district Unknown 0 1 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801070001 2018-01-07 Iraq Adhaim Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801060018 2018-01-06 Iraq Kayam Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Unknown Unknown Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801060008 2018-01-06 Iraq Qarah Tapah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801060002 2018-01-06 Iraq Mandali Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 3 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Assassination Explosives,Explosives
201801050017 2018-01-06 Syria Tartus Free Alawite Movement,Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham,Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801050016 2018-01-06 Syria Jableh Free Alawite Movement,Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham,Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801040015 2018-01-05 India Kuttippuram Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State (suspected),Maoists (suspected) 0 0 Unknown South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801040004 2018-01-04 Egypt Arish Sinai Province of the Islamic State 4 1 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201801040001 2018-01-04 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State (suspected) 21 27 Police,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801030027 2018-01-03 Iraq Ayn Aslan Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 1 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201801030012 2018-01-03 Egypt Beir al-Abd Sinai Province of the Islamic State 1 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801030011 2018-01-03 Iraq Mosul Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 0 Business Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201801030007 2018-01-03 Iraq Dibis Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 2 Police Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201801030003 2018-01-03 Iraq Qaim district Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 3 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201801020011 2018-01-02 Iraq Tall Safouk Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 18 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives
201801010001 2018-01-01 Iraq Tal Afar Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712310012 2017-12-31 Iraq Muqdadiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 13 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201712310007 2017-12-31 Iraq Baaj Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 5 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712310006 2017-12-31 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State (suspected) 18 14 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712310004 2017-12-31 Iraq Farhatiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 9 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201712310003 2017-12-31 Iraq Hawd al-Waqf Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712300013 2017-12-30 Nigeria Kanamma Boko Haram 5 Unknown Military Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201712290024 2017-12-29 Iraq Samarra Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 23 Unknown Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712290023 2017-12-29 Iraq Tuz Khormato district Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 23 Unknown Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712290022 2017-12-29 Iraq Unknown Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 24 Unknown Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712290017 2017-12-29 Afghanistan Darzab district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State Unknown Unknown Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
201712290003 2017-12-29 Egypt Helwan Islamic State in Egypt 2 0 Business Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201712290002 2017-12-29 Egypt Helwan Islamic State in Egypt 10 6 Religious Figures/Institutions Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives,Firearms
201712290001 2017-12-29 Iraq Farhatiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 10 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201712280019 2017-12-28 Philippines Shariff Aguak Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement (BIFM) 2 0 Private Citizens & Property Southeast Asia Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms
201712280009 2017-12-28 Iraq Tall Safouk Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712280008 2017-12-28 Iraq Al-Awamer Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712280005 2017-12-28 Egypt Arish Sinai Province of the Islamic State 5 0 Police,Business Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201712280004 2017-12-28 Egypt Beir al-Abd Sinai Province of the Islamic State 6 3 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712280001 2017-12-28 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 51 81 Religious Figures/Institutions,Journalists & Media,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives
201712270014 2017-12-28 Philippines Datu Saudi-Ampatuan district Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement (BIFM) 1 1 Private Citizens & Property,Private Citizens & Property Southeast Asia Assassination Explosives,Firearms
201712270004 2017-12-26 Iraq Gaydah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Unknown
201712270003 2017-12-27 Iraq Kirkuk Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201712270001 2017-12-27 Russia Saint Petersburg Unknown 0 18 Business Eastern Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712260010 2017-12-26 Iraq Safrah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 1 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712260003 2017-12-26 Afghanistan Gardi Ghows Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712250035 2017-12-25 Iraq Kirkuk Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms,Firearms
201712250017 2017-12-25 Philippines Iginampong Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement (BIFM) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Southeast Asia Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
201712250009 2017-12-25 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban 7 1 Government (General),Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712250002 2017-12-25 Iraq Al-Yaarabiya Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712240006 2017-12-24 Iraq Unknown Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Assassination Firearms
201712240003 2017-12-24 Iraq Al-Rubeida Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Assassination Firearms
201712240001 2017-12-24 Iraq Jallam Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 7 6 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201712220008 2017-12-22 Iraq Samarra Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 1 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201712220006 2017-12-22 Pakistan Quetta Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 2 2 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Armed Assault Firearms
201712210004 2017-12-21 Afghanistan Jebrael Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 4 6 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712200027 2017-12-20 Iraq Mosul Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712200024 2017-12-20 Syria Shahil Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 9 Unknown Terrorists/Non-state Militia,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201712200014 2017-12-20 Libya Sirte Tripoli Province of the Islamic State 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201712200004 2017-12-20 Iraq Unknown Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
201712200003 2017-12-20 Iraq Tall Safouk Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 5 0 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712190004 2017-12-19 Egypt Arish Sinai Province of the Islamic State 1 2 Government (General),Government (General),Military Middle East & North Africa Assassination Explosives
201712190001 2017-12-19 Iraq Qarah Jawgh Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 0 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201712180018 2017-12-18 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban 3 2 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives,Explosives
201712170029 2017-12-17 Iraq Mosul Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201712170007 2017-12-17 Pakistan Quetta Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 11 56 Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives,Firearms
201712170001 2017-12-16 Iraq Muqdadiyah district Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives
201712150008 2017-12-15 Iraq Huwaysh Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 6 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
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