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Search Terms: (islamic state)

202003090002 2020-03-09 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 1 Government (General),Police South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
202003060006 2020-03-06 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 33 81 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Armed Assault Explosives,Explosives,Firearms
202002270007 2020-02-27 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 10 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
202002260001 2020-02-26 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 10 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201910180003 2019-10-18 Afghanistan Jawdara Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban (suspected) 74 30 Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201910110015 2019-10-11 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 1 Government (General) South Asia Assassination Explosives
201910110016 2019-10-11 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 1 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201910080005 2019-10-08 Afghanistan Ghazni Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State (suspected),Taliban (suspected) 0 19 Educational Institution South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201910070001 2019-10-07 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 10 27 Military,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201909090007 2019-09-09 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 3 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201909090031 2019-09-09 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 0 Unknown South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201909080006 2019-09-08 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 0 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201909010002 2019-09-01 Afghanistan Faizabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 1 Business,Terrorists/Non-state Militia South Asia Assassination Explosives
201908170005 2019-08-17 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 93 142 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908070021 2019-08-07 Afghanistan Shina Pol Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State Unknown Unknown Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201908070022 2019-08-07 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State Unknown Unknown Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201908060002 2019-08-06 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 5 7 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201908050018 2019-08-05 Afghanistan Herat Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 4 30 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907250008 2019-07-25 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban (suspected) 4 15 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907250009 2019-07-25 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban (suspected) 4 15 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907130017 2019-07-13 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 2 Police,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907120002 2019-07-12 Afghanistan Pachir Agam district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban (suspected) 10 12 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia South Asia Assassination Explosives
201907060030 2019-07-06 Afghanistan Unknown Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 0 Military South Asia Armed Assault Firearms
201907050022 2019-07-05 Afghanistan Ghazni Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 2 20 Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907050023 2019-07-05 Afghanistan Bihsud district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 2 6 Government (General) South Asia Assassination Explosives
201907020020 2019-07-02 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 2 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Assassination Explosives
201906280004 2019-06-28 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 4 Police,Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906270015 2019-06-27 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 0 Government (General) South Asia Assassination Firearms
201906240014 2019-06-24 Afghanistan Qush Tepa district Taliban 6 2 Terrorists/Non-state Militia South Asia Unknown Unknown
201906200001 2019-06-20 Afghanistan Jalalabad Unknown 1 14 Police,Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia South Asia Assassination Explosives
201906180015 2019-06-18 Afghanistan Zurmat Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban (suspected) 0 4 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906170021 2019-06-17 Afghanistan Mamand Bagh Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 1 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906130002 2019-06-13 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 9 12 Police,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Assassination Explosives
201906050026 2019-06-05 Afghanistan Achin district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 4 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906040004 2019-06-03 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 5 10 Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906010034 2019-06-02 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 10 Educational Institution South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201906020035 2019-06-02 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 7 Police,Journalists & Media,Journalists & Media South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201905300016 2019-05-30 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 7 12 Military,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201905230010 2019-05-23 Afghanistan Dih Bala district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State Unknown Unknown Military South Asia Unknown Unknown
201905220004 2019-05-22 Afghanistan Ghazni Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban 8 15 Police,Military,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Firearms
201905200026 2019-05-20 Afghanistan Shahidan Mina Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 0 Unknown South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201905180002 2019-05-18 Afghanistan Kama district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 0 5 Police,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201905130019 2019-05-13 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 3 20 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201905110019 2019-05-11 Afghanistan Kandak Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban 1 0 Police South Asia Assassination Firearms
201905010005 2019-05-01 Afghanistan Abyak Taliban 4 2 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia,Violent Political Party South Asia Assassination Firearms
201905020002 2019-05-01 Afghanistan Ghazni Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State,Taliban 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201904270014 2019-04-27 Afghanistan Dara-i-Pech district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 7 3 Unknown South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
202002090002 2020-02-09 Algeria Timiaouine Algeria Province of the Islamic State 2 6 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201708310011 2017-08-31 Algeria Tiaret Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM),Algeria Province of the Islamic State 3 1 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Firearms
201705310033 2017-05-31 Algeria Ben Omar Algeria Province of the Islamic State 0 4 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201704230023 2017-04-19 Algeria Ibn Badis Algeria Province of the Islamic State 1 0 Unknown Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201702260015 2017-02-26 Algeria Constantine Algeria Province of the Islamic State (suspected) 0 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201702260014 2017-02-26 Algeria Constantine Algeria Province of the Islamic State 1 3 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201610280018 2016-10-29 Algeria Constantine Algeria Province of the Islamic State 1 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201610080034 2016-10-08 Algeria Tamalous Algeria Province of the Islamic State 0 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201512180022 2015-12-18 Algeria Djebel el-Wahch Algeria Province of the Islamic State 0 4 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201505120033 2015-05-12 Algeria Merouana Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 4 0 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Firearms,Incendiary
201503060041 2015-03-06 Algeria Tablat Algeria Province of the Islamic State 0 2 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201502020102 2015-02-02 Algeria Laaijba Algeria Province of the Islamic State 2 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201409120015 2014-09-21 Algeria Ait Ouabane Jund al-Khilafa 1 0 Tourists Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms,Melee
201203030011 2012-03-03 Algeria Tamanghasset Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected),Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) (suspected) 1 15 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201110220011 2011-10-22 Algeria Tindouf Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) 0 2 NGO,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Firearms
201010250019 2010-10-26 Algeria Si Mustapha Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 1 4 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201010020014 2010-10-02 Algeria Zekri Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected) 5 10 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201008190005 2010-08-19 Algeria Keniza Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected) 3 2 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201008240018 2010-08-00 Algeria Unknown Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 1 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping),Armed Assault Unknown
201008070005 2010-08-00 Algeria Beni Ksila Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected) 2 4 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201006100009 2010-06-00 Algeria Lakhdaria Unknown 5 20 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200910220014 2009-10-22 Algeria Maatkas Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected) 7 2 Business,Police Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
200909210009 2009-09-20 Algeria Takoucht Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected) 0 5 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200906020007 2009-06-02 Algeria Timezrit Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected) 10 2 Police,Educational Institution Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
200905200003 2009-05-20 Algeria Medea Militants 5 1 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
200902220021 2009-02-22 Algeria Ziama Mansouria Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 9 3 Business,Utilities Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200902150005 2009-02-15 Algeria Bordj Menail Rebels 3 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
200809070004 2008-09-07 Algeria Stah Guentis Algerian Islamic Extremists 1 0 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
200809060020 2008-09-06 Algeria Si Mustapha Algerian Islamic Extremists 1 0 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
200808280004 2008-08-28 Algeria Boghni Militants (suspected) 1 0 Business Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping),Armed Assault Unknown
200808200012 2008-08-20 Algeria Bouira Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 12 15 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200807230001 2008-07-23 Algeria Lakhdaria Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 1 13 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200806170024 2008-06-17 Algeria Jebel Boukhil Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 3 0 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
200804080019 2008-04-08 Algeria Lakhdaria Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 1 0 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200803290019 2008-03-29 Algeria Sidi El Houari Algerian Islamic Extremists 1 0 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200802150008 2008-02-15 Algeria Lakhdaria Algerian Islamic Extremists 0 3 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200801020010 2008-01-02 Algeria Naciria Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 5 20 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200712260007 2007-12-26 Algeria Lakhdaria Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2 0 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
200712260006 2007-12-26 Algeria Lakhdaria Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 0 2 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives
200712260005 2007-12-26 Algeria Tala Mimoun Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 0 2 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
200712260003 2007-12-26 Algeria Thenia Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 2 2 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200712260002 2007-12-26 Algeria Ahnif Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 0 0 Transportation Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200709200007 2007-09-20 Algeria Haouch Medjadji Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected) 1 1 Business,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200708140005 2007-08-14 Algeria Larbaa Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (suspected) 0 1 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Assassination Explosives
200707110007 2007-07-11 Algeria Tigzirt Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 1 1 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200707050018 2007-07-05 Algeria Tala Bougueni Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 0 1 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Assassination Explosives
200706020020 2007-06-02 Algeria Imaghninene Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 1 10 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200704250007 2007-04-25 Algeria Khemis El-Khechna Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 1 0 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
200704110001 2007-04-11 Algeria Algiers Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 30 160 Government (General),Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200703030002 2007-03-03 Algeria Cherchell Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 4 5 Business,Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200702130003 2007-02-13 Algeria Si Mustapha Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 4 8 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200702130002 2007-02-13 Algeria Boumerdès Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 0 4 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200702130001 2007-02-13 Algeria Bubhir Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 1 0 Transportation Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
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