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Search Terms: (islamic state)

202011020007 2020-11-02 Austria Vienna Jihadi-inspired extremists 5 22 Police,Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Armed Assault Firearms,Firearms,Melee
202002170001 2020-02-17 Pakistan Quetta Pakistan Province of the Islamic State 8 21 Police,Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201805020003 2018-05-02 Libya Tripoli Tripoli Province of the Islamic State 15 21 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Firearms,Incendiary
201711270007 2017-11-27 Iraq Nahrawan Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 10 21 Business,Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Firearms
201710310016 2017-10-31 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 10 21 Government (General),Government (General),Government (General) South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201710050001 2017-10-05 Pakistan Fatehpur Sharif Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 25 21 Police,Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201710040043 2017-10-04 Libya Misrata Tripoli Province of the Islamic State 7 21 Government (General),Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives
201706230003 2017-06-23 Iraq Mosul Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 13 21 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201612310028 2016-12-31 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 15 21 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201611250003 2016-11-25 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 3 21 Other South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201605210005 2016-05-21 Iraq Dujail Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 10 21 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201603130019 2016-03-13 Afghanistan Mazdaki Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 12 21 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201511080015 2015-11-08 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 8 21 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201509150044 2015-09-15 Syria Hasakah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 8 21 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201507280063 2015-07-28 Iraq Harijiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 12 21 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Unknown
201504050024 2015-04-05 Libya Misrata Tripoli Province of the Islamic State 7 21 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201502200003 2015-02-20 Libya Al-Qubbah Barqa Province of the Islamic State 16 21 Government (General),Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Assassination Explosives
201502110096 2015-02-11 Iraq Tikrit Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 19 21 Military,Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Unknown
201502110026 2015-02-11 Iraq Al-Muthanna Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 9 21 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201501060021 2015-01-06 Iraq Jubah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 25 21 Military,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201412040003 2014-12-04 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 7 21 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201411270031 2014-11-27 Iraq Ramadi Al-Naqshabandiya Army,Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 21 Government (General) Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201407150061 2014-07-15 Iraq Tel al-Ward Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 0 21 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201406140053 2014-06-14 Syria Mayadin Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 8 21 Business,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201404290016 2014-04-29 Iraq Sadiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (suspected) 6 21 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201404290012 2014-04-29 Iraq Sadiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (suspected) 7 21 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201308280014 2013-08-28 Iraq Jisr Diyala Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 7 21 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201307290003 2013-07-29 Iraq Baqubah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 5 21 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201306170004 2013-06-17 Iraq Fallujah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 21 Government (General),Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200904150023 2009-04-15 Iraq Kirkuk Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) (suspected) 11 21 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200805290029 2008-05-29 Iraq Sinjar Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) 17 21 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
200602200004 2006-02-20 Iraq Mosul Mujahedeen Shura Council 5 21 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
202001100001 2020-01-10 Pakistan Quetta Pakistan Province of the Islamic State 16 20 Police,Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201907050022 2019-07-05 Afghanistan Ghazni Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 2 20 Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201905130019 2019-05-13 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 3 20 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201904160023 2019-04-16 Nigeria Kauwa Boko Haram 39 20 Military Sub-Saharan Africa Unknown Unknown
201903080009 2019-03-08 Niger Woulwa Boko Haram 34 20 Military Sub-Saharan Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201903060018 2019-03-06 Nigeria Addamari Boko Haram 5 20 Private Citizens & Property Sub-Saharan Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201901280010 2019-01-28 Yemen Mukha Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) (suspected),Houthi extremists (Ansar Allah),Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (suspected) 6 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201901180006 2019-01-18 Syria Idlib Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 11 20 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201811120006 2018-11-12 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 7 20 Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201811040037 2018-11-04 Syria Bahra Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 29 20 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Explosives,Firearms
201811020009 2018-11-02 Egypt Minya Islamic State in Egypt 7 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201807060043 2018-07-06 Syria Busayrah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (suspected) 18 20 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201807010005 2018-07-01 Afghanistan Jalalabad Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 20 20 Private Citizens & Property,Private Citizens & Property,Private Citizens & Property South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201806210017 2018-06-21 Syria Idlib Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 20 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201806210016 2018-06-21 Syria Idlib Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 20 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201806090010 2018-06-09 Iraq Khalis Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 1 20 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201805250003 2018-05-25 Libya Benghazi Barqa Province of the Islamic State 7 20 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201711070021 2017-11-07 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 5 20 Journalists & Media South Asia Hostage Taking (Barricade Incident),Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Explosives,Firearms
201710110003 2017-10-11 Iraq Hit Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 8 20 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201709290011 2017-09-29 Afghanistan Kabul Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 6 20 Private Citizens & Property,Religious Figures/Institutions South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201708160009 2017-08-16 Afghanistan Achin district Khorasan Chapter of the Islamic State 1 20 Military,Military South Asia Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201706230034 2017-06-23 Syria Aleppo Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201705260004 2017-05-26 Egypt Adwah Islamic State in Egypt 30 20 Private Citizens & Property,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Firearms
201704290006 2017-04-29 Iraq Mosul Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 37 20 Police Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201704230010 2017-04-23 Iraq Saqqar Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 10 20 Military Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping),Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201701170027 2017-01-17 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 7 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201701150044 2017-01-15 Iraq Khalis Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 10 20 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201611240048 2016-11-24 Iraq Shomali Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 98 20 Private Citizens & Property,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201611060036 2016-11-06 Iraq Shirqat Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 2 20 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201610290015 2016-10-29 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 8 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201610160033 2016-10-16 Jordan Rukban Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 4 20 Private Citizens & Property,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201610110043 2016-10-11 Syria Mashi Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 11 20 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201610060002 2016-10-06 Syria Atmeh Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 21 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201609050062 2016-09-05 Syria Tartus Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 14 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201609050061 2016-09-05 Syria Tartus Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 14 20 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201608180032 2016-08-18 Iraq Baiji district Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 12 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201607240009 2016-07-24 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 15 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201606150004 2016-06-15 Egypt Toma Sinai Province of the Islamic State 15 20 Military Middle East & North Africa Armed Assault Explosives,Firearms
201606070013 2016-06-07 Iraq Karbala Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 9 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201605150001 2016-05-15 Iraq Taji Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 20 20 Utilities Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Explosives,Unknown
201605110017 2016-05-11 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 7 20 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201605050034 2016-05-05 Syria Al-Mukharram Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 6 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201605050033 2016-05-05 Syria Al-Mukharram Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 5 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201604250029 2016-04-25 Syria Diyabiyah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 9 20 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201604180014 2016-04-18 Iraq Bashir Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 16 20 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201602090002 2016-02-09 Syria Damascus Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 9 20 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201601240017 2016-01-24 Syria Qamishli Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 20 Business Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201512230043 2015-12-23 Syria Deir ez-Zor Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 14 20 Military,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives,Unknown
201512220031 2015-12-22 Syria Deir ez-Zor Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 9 20 Educational Institution Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201512090031 2015-12-09 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 12 20 Religious Figures/Institutions Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201511220047 2015-11-22 Syria Tall Abyad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 3 20 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201511110051 2015-11-11 Syria Aleppo Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (suspected) 5 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201510260010 2015-10-26 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 8 20 Police,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201509110045 2015-09-11 Syria Damascus Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 11 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201508050004 2015-08-05 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 9 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201507120025 2015-07-12 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 7 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201507070032 2015-07-07 Iraq Baiji district Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 6 20 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201507030074 2015-07-03 Syria Arihah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 15 20 Religious Figures/Institutions,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201506290029 2015-06-29 Yemen Sanaa Sanaa Province of the Islamic State 28 20 Private Citizens & Property,Violent Political Party Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201506140001 2015-06-14 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 10 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201505160065 2015-05-16 Iraq Fallujah Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 37 20 Military,Terrorists/Non-state Militia Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion,Facility/Infrastructure Attack Explosives,Incendiary,Unknown
201505090014 2015-05-09 Iraq Baghdad Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 8 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201503210034 2015-03-20 Yemen Lahij Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP),Lahij Province of the Islamic State 10 20 Government (General),Police,Military Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping),Armed Assault Firearms
201503200035 2015-03-20 Yemen Lahij Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP),Lahij Province of the Islamic State 10 20 Government (General),Police,Military Middle East & North Africa Hostage Taking (Kidnapping),Armed Assault Firearms
201502110002 2015-02-11 Iraq Tikrit Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 7 20 Military Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201502060004 2015-02-06 Libya Benghazi Barqa Province of the Islamic State 4 20 Military,Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
201502040096 2015-02-04 Iraq Ishaqi Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) 11 20 Military Middle East & North Africa Unknown Unknown
201411120004 2014-11-12 Libya Tubruq Barqa Province of the Islamic State 1 20 Private Citizens & Property Middle East & North Africa Bombing/Explosion Explosives
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