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Porch, Douglas; Delgado, Jorge. 'Masters of Today': Military Intelligence and Counterinsurgency in Colombia, 1990-2009. Small Wars & Insurgencies Vol 21, no. 2 (2010): 277-302. DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2010.481421.


In the early 1990s, military intelligence in Colombia was outside of the civilian hands and mostly outside of legal framework. This led to a lot of freedom, which in turn, resulted in illegal arrests and abuses. Subsequent reforms, however, made improvements to intelligence gathering through use of technology, signals and HUMINT, and the ability to infiltrate FARC. These have played a role in helping to disrupt FARC operations. The author notes, however, that problems still remain in the area of intelligence, such as interagency cooperation.


Lever of Power: Information Lever of Power: Military Lever of Power: Intelligence Method: Qualitative Geoscope: Single country UN Region: South America DOD Region: SOUTHCOM Country: Colombia Actor: State Target: Consitituents Target: Leadership Target: Member Target: Sympathizers Type: Article Year: 2010

Research Background
  • Research questions
    1. In what ways have intelligence reforms in Colombia helped reduce the strength of the insurgency? (inferred)
  • Hypotheses
    1. Colombia's resurgence against the insurgents would have been impossible without a strong assist by military intelligence. (inferred)
Variables or Concepts
  • Independent variables & concepts
    1. Intelligence reforms
  • Dependent variables & concepts
    1. Military gains against insurgents
  • Qualitative method description
    1. Case study of Colombia's intelligence reforms and their role in improving counterinsurgency based on secondary sources
Time Frame
  • Start: 1990
  • End: 2009