Instructions for Using the search

To search our data, you can type keywords into the search box above. As you're typing, the search will recommend keywords to you to add to your query. These keyword suggestions are based on independent variables, dependent variables, or key concepts extracted from each piece of literature in the database.

You can also add your own search phrase: just start typing your desired keyword and hit enter. This will append your custom keyword to the search string. When you're ready, click the red "Search" button to generate results.

You can also initiate a search by clicking on a specific filter, such as national lever of power, and select a subcategory, such as military. This will return results for publications that were coded as having information relevant to the military lever of power. Additionally, you can click the "list all publications" link below the search box to return all the publications in the database and use filters to sort them.

Once you execute a search, you will be able to the sort the results across another of filters on the results page.

About the Data

To learn more about the dataset please visit the Resources page. You can read about our methodology for assembling the database here. See the codebook used for analyzing each piece of COIN literature here, for analyzing IO literature here, and for analyzing CT literature here.