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Stevan_Weine Stevan Weine Professor of Psychiatry Terrorism and Society, Counterterrorism, Countering Violent Extremism, Resilience Security Policy, Psychology of Terrorism, Community Resilience, Homeland Security Education and Training, Media and Terrorism North America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Western Europe
Jonathan Jonathan Wilkenfeld Founding Director, ICONS Project, START
Research Professor
person-default Alexandra Williams Junior Researcher Violent Groups and Movements, Countering Violent Extremism, Chemical and Biological Threats, Radiological and Nuclear Threats Red Teaming, Social Media, Bioterrorism, Emergency Preparedness and Management, Global Security, Innovation and Technology, International Relations, Natural Hazards Global, Middle East and North Africa, North America
person-default Margaret Wilson Affiliated Faculty, Course Director of the MSc in Forensic Psychology