Line Chart


Country: (France)

197809230002 1978-09-23 France L'Ile-Rousse Unknown 0 0 Military Western Europe Assassination Explosives
197809230001 1978-09-23 France Bastia Unknown 0 1 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Western Europe Assassination Explosives
197809170002 1978-09-17 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197808250001 1978-08-25 France Ajaccio Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) Unknown Unknown Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197808110001 1978-08-11 France Bastia Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197808030002 1978-08-03 France Paris Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) 2 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Assassination Firearms,Explosives
197807310002 1978-07-31 France Paris Palestinians 2 3 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Hostage Taking (Barricade Incident) Firearms,Explosives,Firearms
197807230002 1978-07-23 France Bonifacio Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) Unknown Unknown Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807230001 1978-07-23 France Bonifacio Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807060005 1978-07-06 France Algrange Revolutionary Anarchist Armed Terrorist Movement 0 2 Police Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807060004 1978-07-06 France Clermont-Ferrand Unknown 0 0 Military Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807060003 1978-07-06 France Figoni Unknown Unknown Unknown Utilities Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807030004 1978-07-03 France Corte Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807030003 1978-07-03 France Castellare di Casinca Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807030002 1978-07-03 France Borgo Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) Unknown Unknown Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807030001 1978-07-03 France Casabianda Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197807020001 1978-07-02 France Saint-Jean-de-Luz Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (AAA) 1 0 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Western Europe Assassination Firearms
197807010003 1978-07-01 France Pary-de-Dome Unknown Unknown Unknown Telecommunication Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197806270002 1978-06-27 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197806260002 1978-06-26 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197806260001 1978-06-26 France Versailles Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197806250002 1978-06-25 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Unknown Unknown
197806250001 1978-06-25 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197806220001 1978-06-22 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197806150002 1978-06-15 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197806120002 1978-06-12 France Paris Front of French National Liberation 0 1 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197806040001 1978-06-04 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197805230002 1978-05-23 France Cannes Unknown 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197805200007 1978-05-20 France Paris Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) 5 3 Airports and Aircraft Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Firearms,Explosives
197805110005 1978-05-11 France Rennes Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Telecommunication Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197805110004 1978-05-11 France Rennes Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197805110003 1978-05-11 France Rennes Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Police Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197805060001 1978-05-06 France Solaro Unknown Unknown Unknown Military Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197805050001 1978-05-05 France Paris Delta Group 1 0 Business Western Europe Assassination Firearms
197804290001 1978-04-29 France Toulouse Unknown 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197803160003 1978-03-16 France Voiron Unknown 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197803040002 1978-03-04 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197802180004 1978-02-18 France Bastia Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197802180003 1978-02-18 France Bastia Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197802080003 1978-02-08 France Lyon Unknown 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
197802010006 1978-02-01 France Unknown Arab Revolutionary Army 0 0 Business Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Chemical
197801230002 1978-01-23 France Paris Armed Nucleus for Popular Autonomy 0 0 Business Western Europe Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
197801190001 1978-01-19 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197801150002 1978-01-15 France Paris Breton Terrorist 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197801140008 1978-01-14 France Ventiseri Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Military Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Firearms,Explosives
197801140003 1978-01-14 France Quimper Breton Separatists 0 0 Military Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197801100006 1978-01-10 France Nice Charles Martel Group 0 0 Business Western Europe Armed Assault Firearms
197712280002 1977-12-28 France Alzonne Committee of action against bull fights 0 0 Police Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197712270005 1977-12-27 France Paris Unknown Unknown Unknown Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197712270004 1977-12-27 France Villepinte Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Transportation Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197712260003 1977-12-26 France Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197712260002 1977-12-26 France Villepinte Unknown Unknown Unknown Transportation Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197712250003 1977-12-25 France Saint-Martin-sur-Oreuse Unknown 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Assassination Firearms
197712250001 1977-12-25 France Paris Unknown Unknown Unknown Business Western Europe Unknown Unknown
197712150001 1977-12-15 France Unknown Fanatical Ecologists Unknown Unknown Utilities Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197712040001 1977-12-04 France Marange-Silvange Delta Group 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197712020001 1977-12-02 France Paris Delta Group 1 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Assassination Firearms
197711260002 1977-11-26 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197711230002 1977-11-23 France Bayonne Basque Rectitudes 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197711220001 1977-11-22 France Bayonne Basque Rectitudes 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197711190002 1977-11-19 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197711100004 1977-11-10 France Strasbourg Unknown 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197710240001 1977-10-24 France Unknown Breton Separatists 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197710230003 1977-10-23 France Pre-en-Pail Breton Separatists 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197710160004 1977-10-16 France Paris Armed Nucleus for Popular Autonomy 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197710150002 1977-10-15 France Paris Armed Nucleus for Popular Autonomy 0 0 Police Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197710080003 1977-10-08 France Paris Armed Nucleus for Popular Autonomy 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197710030003 1977-10-03 France Serra di-Frumorbo Unknown 0 3 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197709130001 1977-09-13 France Antibes Unknown 1 0 Government (General) Western Europe Assassination Firearms
197708210002 1977-08-21 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197708180001 1977-08-18 France Paris Avengers of Peiper Group 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197708120005 1977-08-12 France Nice Students 0 0 Airports and Aircraft Western Europe Hijacking Unknown
197708120001 1977-08-12 France Ajaccio Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) 0 0 Telecommunication Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197707100002 1977-07-10 France Dinan Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197707100001 1977-07-10 France Saint-Malo Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197707070001 1977-07-07 France Paris Polisario Front 0 1 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Assassination Firearms
197707000002 1977-07-00 France Bayonne Basque Rectitudes 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197707000001 1977-07-00 France Bayonne Basque Rectitudes 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197706170002 1977-06-17 France Paris Solidarist Resistance Movement 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197706170001 1977-06-17 France Paris Solidarist Resistance Movement 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197706140002 1977-06-14 France Paris Unknown 0 2 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197706120002 1977-06-12 France Cesson Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Telecommunication Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197706060002 1977-06-06 France Paris Unknown Unknown Unknown Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197706060001 1977-06-06 France Toulouse Armed Brigades 0 0 Business Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197705230001 1977-05-23 France Montpellier Unknown 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197705220001 1977-05-22 France Paris International Revolutionary Action Group (GARI) 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197705210001 1977-05-21 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property Western Europe Armed Assault Incendiary
197705140002 1977-05-14 France Paris Justice Commandos for the Armenian Genocide 0 1 Tourists Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197704270002 1977-04-27 France Lille Unknown 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197704130001 1977-04-13 France Paris Committee for the Defense of Italian Workers in France 0 0 Business Western Europe Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) Unknown
197704120002 1977-04-12 France Paris Action Front for the Liberation of the Baltic Countries 0 0 Government (Diplomatic) Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197704120001 1977-04-12 France Paris Action Front for the Liberation of the Baltic Countries 0 0 Business Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197703200002 1977-03-20 France Rennes Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Utilities Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197703130002 1977-03-13 France Paris Unknown 0 0 Police Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197702110002 1977-02-11 France Paris New Order- France Unknown Unknown Journalists & Media Western Europe Facility/Infrastructure Attack Incendiary
197702050001 1977-02-05 France Rennes Breton Liberation Front (FLB) 0 0 Government (General) Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197702030002 1977-02-03 France Paris Falangist Security Group 0 0 Other Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197701040001 1977-01-04 France Paris Unknown 1 0 Terrorists/Non-state Militia Western Europe Assassination Firearms
197700000005 1977-00-00 France Bayonne Basque Rectitudes 0 0 Business Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
197700000004 1977-00-00 France Bayonne Basque Rectitudes 0 0 Journalists & Media Western Europe Bombing/Explosion Explosives
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