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197004160002 1970-04-16 United States Kansas City Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property
197004160003 1970-04-16 United States Kansas City Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property
197004160004 1970-04-16 United States Trona Strikers 0 0 Business
197004170001 1970-04-17 United States Oakland Black Panthers (suspected) 0 2 Police
197004190001 1970-04-19 United States Seattle White supremacists/nationalists 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions
197004190002 1970-04-19 United States Seattle White supremacists/nationalists 0 0 Business
197004190003 1970-04-19 United States Seattle White supremacists/nationalists 0 0 Business
197004190004 1970-04-19 United States Seattle White supremacists/nationalists 0 0 Government (General)
197004190005 1970-04-19 United States New York City Black Nationalists 0 3 Police
197004200001 1970-04-20 United States Lawrence Student Radicals 0 3 Educational Institution
197004210001 1970-04-21 Philippines Cauayan Unknown 36 0 Airports and Aircraft
197004210002 1970-04-21 United States Los Angeles Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Business
197004220001 1970-04-22 United States Trona Strikers 0 0 Business
197004220002 1970-04-22 United States Berkeley Student Radicals 0 0 Educational Institution
197004220003 1970-04-22 United States Berkeley Student Radicals 0 0 Educational Institution
197004220004 1970-04-22 United States Milwaukee Student Radicals 0 0 Government (General)
197004220005 1970-04-22 United States Champaign Student Radicals (suspected) 0 0 Police
197004220006 1970-04-22 United States Redlands Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Educational Institution
197004230001 1970-04-23 United States Aguada Armed Commandos of Liberation 0 0 Military
197004230002 1970-04-23 United States Aguada Armed Commandos of Liberation 0 0 Telecommunication
197004230003 1970-04-23 United States Aguada Armed Commandos of Liberation 0 0 Telecommunication
197004230004 1970-04-23 United States Aguada Armed Commandos of Liberation 0 0 Police
197004240001 1970-04-24 United States Palo Alto Student Radicals 0 0 Educational Institution
197004240002 1970-04-24 United States Baltimore Black Panthers 1 1 Police
197004240003 1970-04-24 United States New York City Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197004240004 1970-04-24 United States New York City The World United Formosans for Independence (WUFI) 0 0 Government (Diplomatic)
197004250001 1970-04-25 Turkey Istanbul Palestinians 0 0 Airports and Aircraft
197004250003 1970-04-25 United States Philadelphia Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Educational Institution
197004250004 1970-04-25 United States East Lansing Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Business
197004250005 1970-04-25 United States East Lansing Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Business
197004250006 1970-04-25 United States East Lansing Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Business
197004260001 1970-04-26 United States Baton Rouge Black Nationalists (suspected) 0 0 Government (General)
197004260002 1970-04-26 United States Baton Rouge Black Nationalists (suspected) 0 0 Food or Water Supply
197004260003 1970-04-26 United States Robbinsdale Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197004270001 1970-04-27 United States Iowa City Black Nationalists (suspected) 0 2 Business
197004270002 1970-04-27 United States New Haven Student Radicals 0 0 Educational Institution
197004270003 1970-04-27 United States Evanston Student Radicals 0 0 Educational Institution
197004270004 1970-04-27 United States Fullerton Student Radicals 0 0 Educational Institution
197004270005 1970-04-27 United States Ames Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Private Citizens & Property
197004270006 1970-04-27 United States St. Charles Unknown 0 0 Private Citizens & Property
197004280001 1970-04-28 West Germany (FRG) West Berlin Extraparliamentary Opposition (APO) 0 0 Business
197004280002 1970-04-28 East Germany (GDR) Berlin Unknown Unknown Unknown Government (General)
197004290001 1970-04-29 United States New York City Black Nationalists (suspected) 0 0 Police
197004300001 1970-04-30 United States Baton Rouge Black Nationalists (suspected) 0 0 Business
197005000001 1970-05-00 United States Boston Black Nationalists 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions
197005000002 1970-05-00 United States Rio Piedras Puerto Rican Nationalists 0 1 Business
197005010002 1970-05-01 United States New York City Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005010003 1970-05-01 United States Greencastle Student Radicals 0 0 Military
197005010004 1970-05-01 United States New Haven Student Radicals 0 2 Educational Institution
197005010005 1970-05-01 United States New York City Armed Revolutionary Independence Movement (MIRA) (suspected) 0 10 Business
197005010006 1970-05-01 United States New York City Armed Revolutionary Independence Movement (MIRA) (suspected) 0 1 Business
197005010007 1970-05-01 United States Champaign Revolutionary Force 26 0 0 Business
197005010008 1970-05-01 United States Champaign Revolutionary Force 26 0 0 Business
197005040001 1970-05-04 Paraguay Asuncion Palestinians 1 1 Government (Diplomatic)
197005040002 1970-05-04 United States Jennings Strikers 0 0 Government (General)
197005040003 1970-05-04 United States Chapel Hill Student Radicals 0 0 Military
197005040004 1970-05-04 United States Norman Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005040005 1970-05-04 United States Maryville Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005050001 1970-05-05 East Germany (GDR) Berlin Extraparliamentary Opposition (APO) 0 0 Government (Diplomatic)
197005050002 1970-05-05 United States Lewiston Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005050004 1970-05-05 United States Coral Gables Black Afro Militant Movement 0 0 Educational Institution
197005050005 1970-05-05 United States Orlando Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005050006 1970-05-05 United States New York City Unknown 0 2 Business
197005060001 1970-05-06 United States Oakland Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005060002 1970-05-06 United States Longview Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005060003 1970-05-06 United States Reading Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005060004 1970-05-06 United States Portland Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005060005 1970-05-06 United States San Pedro Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005060006 1970-05-06 United States Portland Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005060007 1970-05-06 United States Boston Black Nationalists 0 0 Religious Figures/Institutions
197005070002 1970-05-07 United States New York City Unknown 0 0 Business
197005080001 1970-05-08 United States New London Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005090001 1970-05-09 United States New York City Stop the War Coalition (suspected) 0 12 Educational Institution
197005090002 1970-05-09 United States Los Angeles Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005090003 1970-05-09 United States Sacramento Black Nationalists 1 0 Police
197005100001 1970-05-10 East Germany (GDR) Berlin Extraparliamentary Opposition (APO) 0 0 Business
197005100002 1970-05-10 United States Washington Weather Underground, Weathermen 0 0 NGO
197005120001 1970-05-12 Switzerland Geneva 1st of May Group Unknown Unknown Airports and Aircraft
197005120002 1970-05-12 United States Houston Ku Klux Klan 0 0 Telecommunication
197005120003 1970-05-12 United States Detroit Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005130001 1970-05-13 United States Des Moines Black Panthers (suspected) 0 2 Police
197005130002 1970-05-13 United States Salt Lake City Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005130003 1970-05-13 United States Oxford Black Nationalists 0 0 Private Citizens & Property
197005130004 1970-05-13 United States Miami Black Afro Militant Movement 0 0 Business
197005140001 1970-05-14 United States Melrose Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Military
197005140002 1970-05-14 United States New York City Student Radicals 0 0 Educational Institution
197005140003 1970-05-14 United States Long Beach Student Radicals 0 0 Educational Institution
197005140004 1970-05-14 United States Oxford Black Nationalists 0 0 Business
197005150001 1970-05-15 West Germany (FRG) West Berlin Unknown Unknown Unknown Business
197005150002 1970-05-15 Uruguay Montevideo Tupamaros (Uruguay) 0 0 Military
197005150003 1970-05-15 West Germany (FRG) West Berlin Unknown Unknown Unknown Business
197005150004 1970-05-15 United States Seattle Black Nationalists 1 0 Business
197005160001 1970-05-16 United States New York City Cuban Action 0 0 Military
197005190001 1970-05-19 United States Afton Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005200001 1970-05-20 United States Quincy Unknown 0 0 Utilities
197005200002 1970-05-20 United States Carlisle Left-Wing Militants 0 0 Government (General)
197005200003 1970-05-20 United States Miami Black Afro Militant Movement 0 0 Educational Institution
197005210001 1970-05-21 United States Trona Strikers 0 0 Business,Private Citizens & Property
197005220001 1970-05-22 United States New York City Jewish Defense League (JDL) 0 3 Terrorists/Non-state Militia
197005220002 1970-05-22 United States St. Paul Black Nationalists 1 0 Police
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