Incident Summary:

04/18/2015: Assailants attacked a Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF) patrol in Lower Juba region, Somalia. Three KDF soldiers were killed and eight others were injured in the assault. No group claimed responsibility for the incident; however, sources attributed the attack to Al-Shabaab.




Sub-Saharan Africa

region/u.s. state:

Lower Juba


Attack Information
Type of Attack (more) Armed Assault
Successful Attack? (more) Yes
Target Information (more)
Target Type: Military
Name of Entity African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
Specific Description Kenyan Patrol
Nationality of Target International
Additional Information
Hostages No
Ransom No
Property Damage Unknown
Extent of Property Damage Unknown
Value of Property Damage Unknown
Weapon Information
Type Sub-type
Firearms Unknown Gun Type
Additional Information
Suicide Attack?No
Part of Multiple Incident?No
Criterion 1 (more) Yes
Criterion 2 (more) Yes
Criterion 3 (more) No
Doubt Terrorism Proper (more) Yes
Alternate Designation (more) Insurgency/Guerilla Action
Perpetrator Group Information
Group Name Claimed Responsibility
Al-Shabaab No
Perpetrator Statistics
Number of Perpetrators Unknown
Number of Captured Perpetrators 0
Casualty Information
Total Number of Casualties 3 Fatalities / 8 Injured
Total Number of Fatalities 3
Number of U.S. Fatalities 0
Number of Perpetrator Fatalities 0
Total Number of Injured 8
Number of U.S. Injured 0
Number of Perpetrators Injured 0
"1st LD writethru: Al-Shabaab kills 3 Kenyan soldiers in S Somalia: official," Xinhua General News Service, April 19, 2015.
"Kenya: Three KDF soldiers killed in Al Shabaab ambush," East African Standard, April 19, 2015.
"Al-Shabab Ambush Kills AU Soldier in Somalia," VOA News, April 19, 2015.