Incident Summary:

09/24/2014: An explosive device detonated near a police station in Leiva municipality, Narino department, Colombia. One civilian was killed and 14 others were injured in the blast. No group claimed responsibility for the incident; however, sources attributed the attack to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).




South America

region/u.s. state:



Attack Information
Type of Attack (more) Bombing/Explosion
Successful Attack? (more) Yes
Target Information (more)
Target Type: Police
Name of Entity National Police of Colombia
Specific Description Police Station
Nationality of Target Colombia
Target Type: Private Citizens & Property
Name of Entity Not Applicable
Specific Description Civilians
Nationality of Target Colombia
Additional Information
Hostages No
Ransom No
Property Damage No
Weapon Information
Type Sub-type
Explosives Unknown Explosive Type
Weapon Details
An explosive device concealed in a trash can was used in attack.
Additional Information
Suicide Attack?No
Part of Multiple Incident?No
Criterion 1 (more) Yes
Criterion 2 (more) Yes
Criterion 3 (more) Yes
Doubt Terrorism Proper (more) No
Additional Information Casualty numbers for this incident conflict across sources. Following GTD protocol, the most recent reliable estimates are reported here.
Perpetrator Group Information
Group Name Group Sub-name Claimed Responsibility
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 29th Alfonso Arteaga Front No
Perpetrator Statistics
Number of Perpetrators Unknown
Number of Captured Perpetrators 0
Casualty Information
Total Number of Casualties 1 Fatalities / 14 Injured
Total Number of Fatalities 1
Number of U.S. Fatalities 0
Number of Perpetrator Fatalities 0
Total Number of Injured 14
Number of U.S. Injured 0
Number of Perpetrators Injured 0
"At Least 8 Civilians Injured in Guerrilla Attack in Colombia," Latin American Herald Tribune, September 24, 2014.
"Colombia Guerrilla Update: FARC 1st-tier Leader Alias Tomate Killed in Buga (Valle del Cauca)," OSC Summary, September 29, 2014.