A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Understanding Communities’ Attitudes towards CVE


This research investigates the ways in which advocates for Muslim American communities in Los Angeles characterize the premise, practices, and impact of countering violent extremism, including community policing.

The overall goal of CVE is, “to stop those most at risk of radicalization from becoming terrorists.” Generally speaking, CVE can be understood as “a realm of policy, programs, and interventions designed to prevent individuals from engaging in violence associated with radical political, social, cultural, and religious ideologies and groups.” The White House Strategic Implementation Plan for CVE recommends that law enforcement and other agencies “foster community‐led partnerships and prevention programming through expanding community‐based solutions.” This study was designed to better understand and identify the attitudes of communities’ advocates and members towards the practices, discourses and values of countering violent extremism, including community policing.

Publication Information

Full Citation:

Weine, Stevan, and Chloe Polutnik, Ahmed Younis. "Understanding Communities’ Attitudes towards CVE." START, College Park, MD. February 2015. http://www.start.umd.edu/pubs/STARTResearchBrief_UnderstandingCommunitiesAttitudesTowardCVE_Feb2015.pdf

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