A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

The Future of Terrorism Research: A Review Essay


This essay sets forth a research agenda to begin filling some key gaps in terrorism studies. Since the September 2001 Al Qaeda attacks against the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon that claimed over 3000 lives, interest in terrorism research has increased. After these attacks, the United States and other governments prioritized the scientific study of the causes of and responses to terrorism. Importantly though, our review of the terrorism literature demonstrates that despite this progress, intriguing questions remain underexplored or altogether unexplored. This essay identifies four gaps in terrorism studies: (1) employing non-terrorist comparison groups, (2) broadening the dependent variable (focus of study), (3) exploring exceptions/anomalies to “established” findings, and (4) engaging measurement issues. We discuss these issues and outline a research agenda that could begin to fill these gaps.

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Full Citation:

Chermak, Steven, Jeff Gruenewald, Joshua Freilich. "The Future of Terrorism Research: A Review Essay." International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (May 2014). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01924036.2014.922321#.U9-SJONdUZl

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